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Howdy Ho, everyone! Guys, I have something freaking exciting to share because I'm so damn happy. I've been looking for a job for a couple months now, and I finally got one! I got a call back about working at Old Navy! In fact, I go in tomorrow to do some paperwork and I can't wait! I shouldn't have a problem keeping up with updating, but if it does interfere, I'll work some stuff out. Also, the picture above is our friendly little helper for writing. His name is Monkey, and he absolutely loves to help me write this story. He sits in my lap while I type and every once in a while, he decides to put his paws on the keyboard and add his input. You'll probably meet my other little helpers soon! Enjoy this chapter, even though it's kinda sloppily written because I've got a headache.

(Lyrica's P.O.V.)

I sigh and let my head fall back, softly thudding against the wood of the cabinets built into the island.

"Sissy?" I jump at the sound of Hunter's voice.

"Gosh, Hunter." I say, looking up at him.

"Did I scare you?" He frowns and I feel immensely guilty.

"No, Buddy. You just surprised me. What's wrong?"

"I don't feel good."

"Oh no. What doesn't feel good?" I stand up, walking over to him to feel his temperature. He feels perfectly fine.

"I don't know."

"What do you mean?" My brows furrow in confusion.

"I-I don't know. I feel cold. And I miss Bubba."

"You miss Stiles? You just saw him."

"Not Sti Bubba. Der Bubba. When will he be home? I want him home."

"Aw, Hunter." I coo, wrapping my arms around him and lifting him off his feet. "Der will be home sooner than you know it. How about we go take a nap, huh?"

"But I don't wanna."

"Come on." I chuckle, carrying him towards the stairs. He always says he doesn't want a nap, only to be sound asleep 10 minutes later.

"Sissy, will you tell me a story?" He asks me, crawling under the covers on his bed.

"What story?" I smile, kicking off my shoes and sitting on the bed next to him.

"How did you meet Bubba? Der Bubba."

"You already know how, Hunter." I chuckle.

"But I wanna hear again. Please?" He pouts.

"Alright, alright." I tuck the blankets tighter around him and sit up higher on the bed. "It was a normal day for us. It was a weekend, so I brought you outside to play. You were just a little kid back then. You were right by the porch. You had been playing with this little airplane. It would glide through the air and you'd chase after it. You ran out of juice, so I ran inside to get you some more. I could see you through the windows, so I wasn't worried. But when I got back outside, you were gone. I set your juice down and started looking for you. I found you when I heard you scream. There were a bunch of coyotes surrounding you. I went and started fighting them off. Derek and Laura were living across the street. They heard the commotion and came over to help. Laura shielded you while Derek helped me. He saved our lives. He was weary of us at first. I mean, I was a random werewolf he just stumbled upon. Not to mention I was an omega. But he and Laura took us into their pack. That's how we met. He saved us."

I look down with a smile. He's passed out.

I carefully climb off the bed and sneak out of the bedroom, careful to leave the door open. I creep down the stairs, and freeze when the front door opens. From my place on the stairs, I can clearly see as Derek walks inside, carefully closing the door behind him. I walk towards him, my feet softly padding on the hardwood flooring.

"Hey, Lyrie." Derek smiles. "Where's the boys?"

"I just put Hunter down for a nap. Isaac and I had a fight and he ran off. Probably to Allison." I sigh, leaning against the wall.

"What happened?"

"It's a long story."

"Come on. Let's talk."

I follow Derek into the living room and sit next to him on the couch, turning to face him and tucking my feet up underneath me. Derek reaches over and takes my hand in his.

"Tell me what happened." He says, his thumb running over my knuckles.

"The twins have been trying to contact me since everything went down with the Darach. They're omegas now and they need a pack. I was their first choice because I'm still part alpha and technically we're related. I told them that I won't accept them unless they choose good and proved to me that they could be trusted. I don't know if I'll ever actually trust them enough to let them join the pack, but they don't need to know that. Because the longer they think I'll let them in, the longer they stay on the good side. Isaac doesn't believe I'm thinking of his and Hunter's safety. So he told me I'm not his mother and he ran off." I explain the general gist of things.

"It'll be alright, Lyrica. He'll come home at some point and I'll talk to him. I know he'll understand. He just needs to cool off. And then we take his phone and ground his ass."

I can't help but laugh at Derek's final statement, knowing exactly how right he is.

"I missed you." I say, scooting closer.

"I missed you too. It was agony dealing with Peter for so long." Derek wraps his arm around my shoulders and I chuckle.

"You know you didn't have to bring him."

"Yeah, but I decided to be nice for once. And he was somewhat handy when the Calaveras had us. They knew he'd talk, so he got the brunt of it."

"At least he's useful for something." I say and we both laugh.

The moment is ruined when a loud screeching fills my ears. I cover my ears with a pained groan, and Derek does the same. It ends almost as soon as it begins, and I look at Derek with wide eyes.

"Lydia." I pant.

"Go. I'll watch Hunter. Be careful."

I jump to my feet and quickly kiss Derek before grabbing my phone and keys and rushing out the door.

I don't know how, but I manage to change into my change of spare clothes in a span of red lights and stop signs. My phone starts ringing, and I don't hesitate to answer it.

"Lyrica!" Stiles' voice is frantic and urgent.

"Where to?"

"The power station. We'll meet you there."

"Be there in 5." I say, taking a sharp turn to head towards the hazardous area. I hang up the phone as I turn.

I reach the station just after Stiles, Scott, and Lydia. I throw the Impala into park, pulling the keys from the engine and racing out after the boys.

"What are we dealing with here?" I ask as we run into the empty building.

"Barrow's got Kira. He was an electrical engineer. Best guess, he's gonna electrocute her to death." Stiles spits out.

"Got it." We all split up to go different directions, when I hear metal thudding. I run in the direction it came from, picking up on Kira's scent as I grow nearer.

I breach the room in time to see Scott on the ground writhing in pain and Barrow about to electrocute Kira.

"Hey! Barrow!" I shout, catching his attention. "You don't want them! You want glowing eyes?! How about mine?!" I let my eyes glow, the blue and red mixture captivating the psychotic man.

"No." He pants. "Her first."

"Don't!" Scott shouts and I run forward, but it's too late. Barrow brings the sparking wire towards Kira, and there's a violent explosion. Barrow falls back and I skid to a stop, checking on Scott. "Look." He mutters.

I look up to where Kira's fried body should be, but there's only bright white sparks, going into her hands from all over the place. Kira looks at her hands appalled, and Scott and I watch on with the same look.

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