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I'm supposed to be doing homework right now... so here's an early update. Don't freak out, you'll still get your update tomorrow too.

(Lyrica's P.O.V.)

It's nearly the end of the school day and I'm outside with Isaac to get some fresh air and make sure students maneuver through the parking lot safely.

"Liam, wait. What, no, no, no, no." I hear in the distance. Confused, I turn my head and see Liam and Mason heading towards the bus where Devenford Prep students are stepping off for the lacrosse game tonight.

"That's not gonna end well." Isaac sighs.

"You read my mind." I sigh and begin rushing over there.

"Brett" Liam calls out to one of the players.

"Ah, here we go." Mason sighs. A bunch of students gather around and I groan.

I hear Liam's breathing pick up as he faces who I assume is Brett.

"I just wanted to say... have a good game." Liam sticks out his hand.

Isaac and I reach the outer area where the students are gathered to watch, and I slow my pace to a walk. Most students scramble to do something else and avoid getting in trouble, but I don't care.

Brett and the other students from Devenford Prep laugh.

"That's cute, Liam. Is that what they told you to say in Anger Management? Apologize and everything's fine? You demolished Coach's car."

I near the boys and notice Scott and Stiles off to the side. I motion for them to come over and they scramble to do so.

"I paid for it." Liam seethes.

"Yeah, you're going to pay for it. We're going to break you in half out there. And it's going to be all your fault."

The smell of blood invades my senses and I take that as my cue.

"Whoa whoa whoa, hey, let's go." Stiles stutters as he and Scott pull Liam back. "Hey, what's going on, Prep students?"

"Stiles, quiet." I snap and he instantly shuts his mouth.

"Who are you, his mother?" Brett scoffs and his team mates all laugh.

"Close. I'm his sister." I grin. "And I'm also a teacher here at Beacon Hills and the teacher currently on duty to keep everything outside orderly."

"Aren't you a little young to be a teacher?" Brett scoffs once more.

"Flattery won't work. My age is none of your concern. What is of your concern is the fact that you're causing trouble on Beacon Hills grounds. You do realize that if I were to report you, you wouldn't be playing tonight and probably anytime soon, right?" I catch a whiff of his scent and internally sigh when I realize he's a werewolf. He's masked it well, but I know what to look for.

"Liam's the one who threw a fit." He scoffs.

"Wrong again. Liam simply walked up for a handshake and a wish for a good game. You're the one who acted like, excuse my language, an asshole. You are representing your school. Now act like it. If I see you or any of your friends causing trouble again, there will be consequences. Understood?"

"Yes Ma'am." Brett mutters, jaw clenched. I give a pointed look to the boys behind him and they all chorus the same 2 words.

"Get to where you need to be." I jerk my head in the direction of the school before turning to all the students watching. "All of you!"

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