#3 I can't do it.

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My eyes scanned the room looking for a place to sit but every space was taken except for one. An empty seat sat next to Olivia Charles. Immediately my started racing inside of my chest. I felt my nerves pricking up inside of me, this could be a challenging situation for me. I kept my face impassive, guarding away my inner feelings like I always do, hiding from the world as I walked over to her table. Cautiously sitting down next to her without getting close enough to feel her touch.

Olivia looked mad that I had to sit with her, she refused to look at me but she twitched her face up with discomfort. Besides the ordeal this morning I wondered what her problem was and I desperately wanted to know what was running through her mind. She was so hard to read, unlike most of the girls in this place. I heard her sigh loudly under her breath and it irritated me to know she was so mad about me sitting here.

Oh fuck her.

I made pillows with my forearms and lay my head down, blocking her out, blocking out the classroom and Mr Hibberts droney voice. My night was laced with nightmares so I didn't sleep well and this would be the perfect opportunity to catch up. If Olivia didn't want me here then I wasn't going to make the effort to be nice to her, she's obviously a stuck up girl who does no wrong from a perfect little family.


What the fuck was that?

Was I having another nightmare?

Did I just give myself away to a classroom filled with people?

Mr Hibbert looked down at me with a furious expression, even madder than when I walked in late. He was holding a ruler in his hand, obviously the cause of the bang.

"Jesus!" I shouted, internally grateful that I didn't just make a show in front everyone.

"That's right Liam, we don't have sleeping in my classroom. Keep it up and you'll find yourself in detention young man. Now get to work getting to know Miss Charles."

I missed the memo so it was down to her to explain, but she refused to look at me. Her eyes focused on the front of the classroom and mine focused on her side profile. Being this close to her brought back memories I had tried to snuffle down. Everything about her was familiar, even from just her side profile.

She was naturally beautiful, there was no denying it even though I wanted to. Her skin was crystal clear and ever so slightly dewy with a delicious pink flush creeping in across her cheeks. Her blonde hair usually trails just above her waist but today it was scooped back loosely into a messy bun giving my eyes access to roam her face freely. She chewed on her bottom lip, I think she was nervous but it drew my attention to her mouth and certain parts of my body woke up instantly at the sight. A dusting of tiny freckles kissed over the perfect slope of her nose and I wanted to kiss every single one.

What am I saying? Get a grip Liam.

"This is going to be a fun year." I said with sarcasm to hide the fact I've just been checking her out for the past ten minutes. I hope she didn't notice. I needed to make her believe I hate her.

She finally plucked up the courage to face me and I held my breath, feeling her closeness that was oddly comforting and warm. Her eyes radiated confidence, beaming a luminescent green that was so unique and beautiful. She sputtered out some facts about herself really quickly, I guess she wasn't as confident after all and then she remained mute awaiting my reply.

She fidgeted and squirmed under my gaze, I made her nervous. Good. That meant she couldn't sense my own nerves I scanned the table really quickly, there was a worksheet filled with personal questions I couldn't answer. The darkness crawled in, clawing at my insides, ready to over take. I swallowed down the bile that was strangling me and breathed through my panic. One... two... three -

"And you?" She asked as I took to long to answer.

Breathe Liam, breathe.

The palpitations started and I wanted to clutch my heart to try and calm down the accelerated beating but I refrained. The world started falling apart around me and I couldn't find a way out. She buried her eyes into me, searching my soul and for a moment I thought she could really see through me. Her eyes knew what I was thinking and feeling.

I can't do it.

"Sir, I'm not working with her. I need a change of partner." I tried my luck with Mr Hibbert but he shot me down instantly.

"That's enough Liam. Answer the questions on the worksheet." He was really irritated now and I knew I couldn't keep pushing him because if I failed this class I would get taken off the soccer team and that was my only key out of this life.

I needed to face my fears, I needed to work with her. Anyone else I would just lie but I don't think I could do that to her. I needed to keep her intimidated, scared, nervous. I needed her to tiptoe on eggshells around me, it's the only way we'll get through this.

"Listen here, Olive I can't stand you, nobody in this school can. The faster we get this shit over and done with the better." My tone was sharp with a sufficient amount of malice behind it. I could see her coiling back into her shell just from the impact of my words.

She scanned down the list and then fired questions at me, mostly easy ones that I had no problem answering but that didn't make me relax anymore. I knew the harder ones were coming.

"Who do you live with?" she asked casually, she had no idea what her simple words would do to me.

Who do I live with? Nobody who cares for me. My mom who has never told me she loves me, never cared for me when I was hurt or unwell, never hugged me, never came to any soccer game, never pays the bills or goes food shopping, stands back letting him treat me like that. And then there is Jax, my moms pimp. Owns our house, rents my mom out like she's his property, beats on me constantly and slobs in his armchair day in and day out.

I shake the thoughts out my mind, I'm not telling her any of that. Not when she lives with a perfect mom and dad who shower her with unconditional love.

"My mom and her... slam piece." I replied through gritted teeth.

Her majestic eyes continued to expose my secrets in the most unnerving way as she read down the worksheet firing questions at me. My heart pounded inside my chest and my palms sweated. My body sat tight in an attempt to give nothing away. She scribbled down my answers on her worksheet, sticking her small tongue out in the corner of her lips. It distracted me for a moment but then another soul destroying question fell out of her mouth.

"Where is your safe place?" She said innocently, looking up when I hesitated with my answer.

I felt like I was choking, I knew to her they were just dumb simple questions and I was angry with myself for not having the ability to shut my emotions down. She was seeing too much, knowing too much. Why was she doing this to me?

"Why are you asking me all of these questions?" I said, feeling furious now.

She looked away, I think she was feeling hurt but I didn't care. I was suffocating under my own fear and I desperately needed to come up for air. She's always been the safety blanket but now she was the one causing my apocalypse.

"I'm done with these dumb questions, just make up the answers." I grunted, shutting her down.

As soon as the bell rang out I breathed a sigh of relief, it was my opportunity to escape her interrogation and pull back some of the control. I needed to smoke some weed or find a girl, or better still both.

BAD BOY ABUSED (male pov)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن