#76 Ever given a girl an orgasm before?

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I pulled her close and crashed my lips onto hers, letting her invade my mouth and my personal space. My heart pounded excruciatingly loudly, I was sure it was playing out in stereo around the room but feeling the magnetic pull of her lips and the electricity running through us as we interlinked our tongues made everything a little bit calmer.

We made our way to the bed, not breaking the delicious contact between us except for when she fell down onto the mattress and I didn't follow her.

What if you're no good at this and disappoint her? 

Have you ever given a girl an orgasm before?

You've been with so many girls, she'll expect some level of expertise. 

"You know... I've never done this before, right?" I warned her. I suddenly felt embarrassed. 

She lay before me, completely naked and waiting and I choose this moment to doubt my performance. She nodded her head thinking I meant the full on intimacy.

"No, I mean ... it's not just about the lack of clothes, it's about, like, proper sex. I've never done it in a bed, I've never done it lying down, I've never been interested in the girl I've been doing it with." I stuttered out nervously.

"We'll learn together." She said calmly. 

I looked down at her body one last time before I fully committed to joining her in the bed. She was hidden under a thin white sheet but I knew what was waiting for me underneath.

Don't freak out Liam. Don't freak out.

"This is the closest I will have ever got with anyone ... I just don't wanna freak out." 

I just wanted her to know everything. I wanted her to be sure she wanted to do this with me. I could potentially mess up her first time. I might not be any good. I might run away halfway through. I might not enjoy it. 

"You can back out at anytime." She reassured. 

I looked down at the bed, the scariest place in the word at the moment and I've been in my fair share of scary places. I needed to take my time with this, ease into it gently. 

"No I want to do it, but can we just lie together for a while?" She pulled back the sheet and patted the bed gently for me to get inside.

I climbed in the bed beside her trying to settle my racing heart. 

You are more than ready.

It's not the same as him.

You want to do this.

You trust her.

You love her.

It will be okay.

She leaned over really slowly so I could watch  her hands approach me and then caressed my cheek and planted a soft kiss to my lips. This girl, she is so patient with me and caring, she's all I ever want.

I reciprocated the kiss, keeping her glued to my lips in the most passionate way. It was slow and needing as we rubbed up against each other intimately. She tasted like safety, comfort and home. I let my hands travel under the sheets, feeling the smoothness of her skin up the length of her stomach and halting my hands on the sweet bulge of her breast.

I couldn't shake the feeling that I was doing something wrong, what if she didn't really want it?

My lower body convulsed as my desire for her grew more and more intense and without breaking our kiss I moved my body to be resting just above hers. Touching her was easier than being touched by her. So I plucked up enough courage to let my hand wander down her body, exploring every inch of her until I found the sweet spot between her legs.

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