#4 Keep your cool Liam, she's just a girl.

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Ben, Zak and I sat in Jordans game room with a mountain of cheetos and soda. We hang out here most days after school  because Jordan has all of the lastest games and high definition screens with surround sound. But even with all of the entertainment he has here it never truly enables me to shut off from my inner thoughts, not like that other place. His game room smelt of testosterone and cheesy feet, or maybe that was the cheetos, I don't know.

"Kill him, Kill him! Watch out!" Jordan shouted enthusiastically at the tv screen.

"It's distracting having you shout over my shoulder!" I announced, frustrated that he just got me killed.

Jordan sighed and grabbed the PS4 controller out of my hands. "I'll do it." he huffed.

An incoming ping from the laptop pulled me away from the game anyway, I went to check my Facebook messages. Jackpot! Mr Taylor the history teacher gave me an F last year and I was unable to play in a soccer game that a scout attended, that was a big chance for me and he blew it. Opportunities like that don't always come up, especially for people like me. We lost the game as well and the whole team suffered for it. For payback we catfished him using a fake facebook name and it didn't take the pervert long before he was sending us nudes.

"I think it's time we post them." I say with Zak breathing over my shoulder at the grotesque display of our naked teacher.

"What one are we posting?" Zak asked looking at the five different images on the screen.

I had two of him fully naked, they were sickening to look at and it just didn't look right seeing a teacher like that. Well a old, male teacher that is. Then I had one of him sitting with his legs spread wide but a pillow hiding his modesty and then I had a close up one of his 'area' that had exploded with excitement.

"I think the pillow one, it will shit him up because he'll know we have more but I don't think everyone needs to see the others, they're a bit much." I say finally deciding.

"Print loads, send them to the A3 printer and pick high definition." Jordan shouted over, not pulling his eyes away from the screen and I did as he suggested.


The hallway was alive with the buzz from our photographs. We had got to school ridiculously early this morning and flooded the corridors with these images, inserting them into peoples lockers and pinning them up over each door. Thankfully our school doesn't have cameras or we wouldn't have got away with half of the shit that we have done.

Students took pictures on their phones, stood admiring the posters, speculated on who could've done it and filled the walls with giggles and whispers. I couldn't help but stand back and beam with pride as I watched the aftermath unfold.

I felt her watching me and when I met her glance everyone else in the room disappeared. She looked radiant today, even more beautiful than yesterday, if that's possible. She leaned against her locker casually, talking to her friend in the tightest of skinny jeans that hugged her slim figure leaving nothing to my imagination. She wore a green camouflage print jacket over a basic white tee and for some reason I made a mental note that green brought out her eyes. Loose curls fell delicately around her face and fanned out in different tones of blonde.

A smile crept across my face as I took in my wonderous view and as the blush overtook hers she pulled away her stare and looked down. Leaving me to relish in my pride.

"Liam, you look super hot today." Bethany said as she undressed me with her eyes.

The girls at my high school must have raging hormones because they all want a piece, all the time. Unfortunately for her I stayed at Jordan's last night so I didn't see mom or Jax this morning and I wasn't really needing my usual distraction. So I just uttered my thanks and moved her along.


I made sure to get to psychology on time today, I can't mess Mr Hibbert around too much or he'll downgrade me and coach is already on my ass about my grades. This time I came prepared for Olivia's shit, I brought my earphones and I wholly planned on shutting her out.

Olivia slotted into the chair beside me very discreetly like she was trying not to be noticed by me. I didn't look at her but a safe waft of her clean coconutty scent intoxicated me, calming me even when inside I was breaking down. The small, chubby man that stood in front of the class spoke a little about human reaction and I knew in my heart that this was going to be another invasive lesson. My suspicions were confirmed a few minutes later when he told us to talk about a time we had a bad reaction to something with our partner.

When have I had a bad reaction to something? The list is endless.

When the classroom broke off in hushed discussions I concentrated on the words being rapped down my ear by Kanye, refraining from joining in with the lesson and making that clear to her. She turned to me, burning intense emeralds into my clouded blue eyes and asked me a question I wasn't expecting.

"How did you get those photos of Mr Taylor?"  She spoke boldly and bravely and I was a little gobsmacked at how she knew.

A sly smirk crossed my face, the darkness easing now with the ask of a non-personal question. I think a light beaconed from my body as I was reminded of the payback I gave Mr Taylor this morning.  But how did she know? In that moment I knew I needed to remain impassive to her accusation, I couldn't let her know it was really me who did that, could I?

"That wasn't me. Mind your business Olive."

My tone came out harsh. Good. She coiled back at my words, losing her confidence and looking a little saddened at my reaction. Why am I such a dick?

"I ... uh ... I just thought you had something to do with it because I spotted you this morning enjoying the chaos it caused." She seemed nervous again and I did feel a pang of guilt because I was giving her such a hard time but I couldn't let her have something over me, not something as big as this.

"Yeah, well. Don't be spreadin' that shit around... Olive." I replied bluntly.

I watched the despondency wash over her face and the guilt inside of me grew. She has saved me on numerous occasions throughout my life and she doesn't even know it. Was she really a threat to me? She obviously already knew I was the one responsible and she might even be into it. A small smile tugged on my lips as I gave into my guilt and shared my secret with Olive.

"He pissed me off giving me a F in history which meant I needed to miss a soccer game to resit the paper. So we set up a Facebook account and catfished him for awhile, soon enough he was sexting us nudes like the desperate fucker he is. So don't be telling anyone Olive ... or else."

She sat still, taking in my words but didn't say anything. I don't know why but I think I can trust her. Something about her makes me want to let her in, let her get close to me and that is exactly why she is so dangerous to be around.

Keep your cool Liam, she's just a girl.

BAD BOY ABUSED (male pov)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant