#36 I can't breathe.

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"Looks like your girl came to watch you." Jordan whispered close to my ear as we stretched before our game. My eyes scanned the bleachers, fixating on her beautiful face as she laughed with her friend and the basketball player she waved under my nose at the arcade.

"That's the guy she brought to the arcade." I told him.

"Wow her make Liam jealous game is strong." he laughed but I wasn't amused.

The coach blew the whistle and we joined the other players in the line up. I shook hands with my opponent and took my place on the field allowing another glance in her direction, she was fanning herself with a piece of paper and had her eyes focused on the pitch.

Shut her out Liam, concentrate on the game.

Kick off started and I chased the ball down the pitch, passing the other players on the way but my attention was occupied with what was happening on the sidelines not on the pitch. I hated him sitting next to her, high fiving her whenever we scored or sometimes hugging her. It made me want to lose the game just so he couldn't touch her.

"Liam! Wake up!" Jordan shouted, snapping me out of my thoughts and bringing me back into the world of soccer. There was a lot of pissed off faces staring at me, I guess I just missed a chance to score. He just bought her a hot dog and now she's giving him nice eyes and smiles. Jackass.

Coach blew the whistle for half time and I could see Jordan charging over me with a angry expression.

"What the fu-" He started but I held my hand up to stop him. Making my way across the grass with one goal. I jumped the small fence and marched up the steps of the bleachers, feeling eyes watching me from every direction, except hers.

"Hey, could I grab a bite of that?"

She met my gaze with a shocked expression and a mouth full of food but I didn't wait for her answer, I just bit into the bottom of the hot dog. Swallowing it down as I shot a warning glance towards the basketball player who coiled back in defeat. I returned to my pitch, leaving our audience gawking at her like she was the star player.

"You're letting the girl affect your game." Zak said as he handed me my water bottle.

Wow, I was. Nothing penetrates my thoughts during soccer, it's my switch off. My escape. I looked up at the bleachers one last time before the game restarted, I could see the redness of her cheeks from here and that guy sat awkwardly beside her, knowing his place. I was pleased with myself. I wiped the sweat off my forehead.

"My mind is on the game now." I reassured them with a sly smile.

We won the match 4-0, I don't know why my team were so mad at my lack of game this match, the enemy team didn't stand a chance. Completely rubbish. But I made good on my word and gave my undivided attention to soccer and not to Olivia during the second half. I took a swig from my water bottle, trying to cool down my body from the heat of the scorching sun, I spotted her walking across the pitch towards me.

"What was that?" She said casually.

"What was what?" I played innocent.

"The hot dog..." she used hand gestures to strengthen her point.

"I was hungry..." I copied her hand gestures, mocking her with an amused smile.

"Liv, C'mon we want our ice cream." the basketball player shouted from the bleachers.

He was challenging me directly, I could feel it. He was into Olivia and he felt threatened by me. I'm not going to let him win this.

"You look good today Liv." I said truthfully.

BAD BOY ABUSED (male pov)Where stories live. Discover now