#17 Quit thinking this girly shit Liam.

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I brushed my teeth and looked back at myself in the mirror. I don't understand the fascination girls have with my face, I hate myself through and through. Was it my dark hair? Or the way I styled it? Because I opted for a typical fuckboy hairstyle, no messing around. I am a fuckboy. Or was it my eyes? I brought my face closer to the mirror for a more in depth inspection. Icy blue eyes stared back at me, the lightest of blues that were outlined with a sapphire ring hidden behind long lashes. Maybe it was my lips? I pouted my lips and mentally questioned if I should stop shaving to throw off some of the girls.

But then I might throw off Olivia.

I shake my head, halting ridiculous thoughts before I allow myself to get swept up by them. Olivia is out of bounds. Friendship is all I want from her. Grabbing my bag I slipped out the door unnoticed by Jax. I didn't get breakfast or pack a lunch in order to avoid him.


I spent the day listen to my stomach growl, food was the only thing I could think about so when the lunch bell rung I practically skipped to the cafeteria. I hated eating in the cafeteria and so did my friends but I persuaded them to today since I didn't bring a lunch bag. I filled my tray with meatloaf and mashed potatoes, avoiding the vegetables but stocking up on the jello and muffins. I took my seat at the back of the cafeteria, trying to avoid everyone in the room.

"Did you watch that murder documentary on Netlfix?" Zak asked me.

We got talking about how we would commit a murder and what we would do to cover it up. It was very intense and we each had some dark thoughts. When Zak asked who I would murder my mind instantly floated back to the darkness. I wouldn't even pick Jax, I would pick him. The one that used to come in my room at night and buy my 'services.' But I didn't tell zak that.

"Hey Liam, I was wondering if you wanted to go out this weekend? We could go get some food, see a movie and hook up?" I rolled my eyes as a brunette bat her eyelashes at me shyly.

"I don't wine, dine and sixty nine. Hook up, yes. Date, no." I answered truthfully.

"Oh." Her face dropped from my comment but she still lingered at my table.

"I'll add your name to the list and let you know if something becomes available." I said with a slight frown. My friends burst out laughing but the girl smiled, looking pleased with herself.

"Thanks." She replied softly before walking off. I shook my head.

"Damn Liam." Jordan said in disbelief, following it up "hows Olive?" He wore a sly smile on his lips and I rolled my eyes, knowing there was a hidden accusation behind that question.

I looked up, instantly spotting her. I gasped under my breath because she was looking right at me, ethereal green eyes lighting up the room, making the cafeteria brighter. "Nothing is going on." I replied, not taking my eyes off her.

"So you don't mind me throwing olives at her?" He raised his arm ready to launch another olive.

"Don't you fucking dare." I said with a menacing tone that took everybody by surprise, including me. I stood up and gathered the perspex boxes from every jock that had one on my table. They watched completely speechless as I gathered them all in slow motion, preventing them from teasing this girl any further. I carried them with my two hands and dropped them in the bin on the way out.

I stood behind the science block smoking and mentally scolding myself for letting Oliva get inside my head. She's all I could think about, she's all I wanted to think about, especially during my darkest moments. I was starting to rely on her too much and I needed to stop.

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