#62 He's so much better for her than you Liam.

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My happiness has lingered over the last few days, things just don't seem as heavy anymore and slowly I feel like I'm rebuilding a part of myself that I didn't know existed thanks to Olivia. After yesterday's game I invited Olivia to the diner with us and Jordan coaxed her into hosting the celebratory party at her house.

When she opened the front door to greet me my mouth watered with the sight. She looked smoking hot and I couldn't believe that I was the guy who got kiss her and hold her and sleep in her bed. She wore a tight fitting silver dress that hugged to her figure, there was a gather of metallic material scooping around the neckline to make it lower but still keeping things dignified. She had no idea how good she looked and that made her character even more appealing to me.

"Hey." She said sweetly.

"Hi, Jordan will be coming soon with the kegs."

I followed her up the stairs, purposely letting her go first so I could watch her perfect ass move as she climbed each step. I am so lucky.

As we got to her bedroom the smile on my face fell away thanks to the unwelcome sight of Harris laying on her bed. My head instantly became filled with anger and doubt, stealing away all of the hope and happiness I've felt over the past couple of days.

He's so much better for her than you Liam, he is the one that deserves to kiss her and hold her and lay in her bed. Not you.

In that moment I shut out everything else going on inside the room and pierced my gaze into Harris who marked his territory on the bed of the girl I love. He was condescending enough to try and greet me but I ignored his advances and just imagined thousands of ways I can kill him and dispose of his body just so I didn't have to see him lying on her sheets again.

After I successfully soured the mood Harris succumbed to my intimidation and got off the bed, taking a seat in the desk chair. Instantly I claimed the bed as my own, swiping my hand over the sheets a few times to get rid of his presence.

I didn't rein over my new found kingdom long because my phone vibrated in my pocket and with a roll of my eyes I noted a message from Jordan.

J: We're outside with the kegs, come let us in.

"Jordan is here, I'll go help him." I announced to the room, shooting a warning glance in Harris's direction before leaving because I wanted to make sure he knew not to sit on the bed again in my absence.

I let my friends in through the back door and directed their kegs into different rooms and different areas of the garden. We also hid some away to replace the others when they become empty.

"What the heck just happened up there?" Olivia followed me down and was ready to call me out on the shit storm I created upstairs. She lightly slapped my arm and I pulled away reacting a little too harshly for how miniscule her touch was.

Fuck sake Liam, get a grip.

"What?" I said sounding alarmed and still embarrassed from my over reaction to her touch.

"You know what."

"I leave you alone for a while and you already have a boy in your bed."

As soon as the words fell from my lips I knew that wasn't fair to say, I was being ridiculous. Everything was just new to me, I wasn't used to feeling jealous. I wasn't used to having competition and I knew Harris was hands down better than me so it plumited my self esteem even further whenever he was around.

"Don't say it like that, you know you overreacted besides, you go camping for a weekend and there you are chatting up a girl." She sounded annoyed and I was a little taken aback by her accusation.

How did she know about Zoe?

My mind fluttered over all of the possible reasons she could know about the girl I was supposed to hook up with during our camping trip. I guessed that Ben probably told her but I don't know that they talk anymore. What else did he tell her? That I loved her? Maybe it wasn't Ben.

"How did you know about -" I stopped myself. Zoe wasn't worth talking about, nothing happened and I honestly forgot about her. If I explained the Zoe story I would have to tell her I spent the whole night talking about her and I wasn't going to go there right now.

I looked into those beautiful emeralds she holds on her face, they were direct window to her soul and right now she looked hurt. I could see her mind ticking over all of the worst possible scenarios that went down during my camping trip.

"Don't overthink things." I said, lightly tapping on her temple with my index finger.

She looked distraught and held a world of emotion behind her eyes and I knew I needed to put her out of her misery and set the record straight.

"I've told you Liv, my body doesn't wake up for anyone, besides you." I pulled her into my body, feeling the need to hold her close. I could feel my body waking up to her presence I've spent the past half an hour just checking her hot body out and now she's pressed against me and I feel like screaming out in excitement. "Just hugging you does things to me, it's weird." I admitted, planting a soft kiss to the top of her head.

Surely Olivia should know by now that I am not interested in any other girl, I didn't even want the girls when I was with them, they just provided me with an escape. But Olivia? She offers me so much more.

BAD BOY ABUSED (male pov)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ