Chapter 2

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My mom and I spent the next three weeks packing and preparing to leave, we had to work on selling our own house and getting a new house, my mom had to find a new school for me and sort out all technicalities before we moved so I could be able to settle in.

I told some of the girls that I would sometimes hang with that I'm leaving but we didn't make a big deal out of it seeing we weren't really close friends. I was growing anxious because of the move, there's just something about leaving a place you've called home for the last 17 years. As happy as I was, there was also a bit of sadness

I would certainly miss it but I was also excited about the move. I hoped it would bring change, maybe I would actually want to make friends, maybe I'd change as a person. My thoughts were filled with so many wonders that I didn't hear my mom come in my bedroom.

"earth to Ava... Are you done packing?" she asked as she looked around

"Yea, turns out I don't have many clothes... Or things" I said while putting my shoes in a big box. I didn't really own a lot of clothing items, a few t-shirts, jeans, sweats and sneakers and I think two dresses. I settle more for comfort than fashion.

"hey, maybe when we are settled in our new home we could go shopping, maybe you'll even make new friends and maybe even a.."

"whoahhh, can we not" I said while throwing my hands in the air I knew exactly what she wanted to say and I didn't want to hear it. I'm not interested in boys and I probably won't be for a long time. Right now I just want to focus on moving which makes me more anxious by the day

The day arrived where we had to move. Mom rented a truck to transport our things to Crescent town while we followed in her car, as she was driving I noticed that there's a lot of green in the area, before reaching the houses we passed a forest and it looked so beautiful and refreshing, there was something calming about it. I wouldn't mind coming for walks here, if it's even safe because from the books I've read wolves go savage in the forest and if there's a human there they are most likely not going to make it out alive but then again that's just fiction written by somebody I'm living in the real world and none of those things exist

We reached our house and helped the guys who transported our things offload them. Even though we were tired we chose to unpack and get it over and done with rather than being stuck with boxes for weeks and weeks

"so how do you feel?" my mom asked as she was sorting out the cutlery in the kitchen

"I like it so far, I'm just a bit nervous with school, being the new kid and all"

"I know.. Im sorry for putting you through this but if anyone tries to mess with you please let me know and I'll deal with it" she said and I quickly shook my head

"uhh I don't think so, being the new kid is a hassle on it's own... Being a new kid whose mom fights her battles for her, now that's just something else, I'll never hear the end of it" she immediately raised her eyebrow but decided not to push it. I'm not weak, I'm pretty sure I can hold my own but a part of me really hopes no one even attempts to pick on me.

"well luckily you don't have to start school for another two days so maybe tomorrow we could have a girl's day out, go shopping have lunch, familiarize ourselves with our new home and probably neighbors"

My mom is quite social, I wouldn't be suprised to find that she has friends after a week, which is a good thing, seeing her happy makes me happy "that sounds like a plan, it looks like a nice place too" I peaked out the kitchen window

"ofcourse it is, now let's order some pizza I'm lazy to cook"

After eating I went to take a bath, I soaked myself in the bubble filled bathtub and just took in everything, I felt so at peace and knowing how much this means to my mom made it more worth it. After bathing I slipped into my pajamas and went to bed still feeling excited about the move but I couldn't help but wonder why this town was named after a moon, it seems a bit odd but well, maybe the people here are fond of the moon

The next morning mom and I had breakfast, I settled for cereal then we made our way to the mall, we went into some clothing shops while my mom picked out some new outfits for her new job although I knew she would settle for pencil skirts and blouses and some heels, her look is predictable like that but she knows how to match it up and look good, we also went around looking for something for me, I picked some Jeans, some skinny and some boyfriend jeans as well, I picked some sneakers too and then we went for ice cream, by this time my feet really hurt, shopping with my mom is exhausting, she browses through many shops just to go back to the first shop to buy what she wants.

When we got to the ice cream shop she went to sit down while I stood in line to place our order, in front of me there was a girl who was about the same height as me and after paying she forgot her cellphone on the counter "excuse me, sorry" I called out  awkwardly and she immediately turned "uhm, you forgot your cellphone here" I said while handing it to her

"thank you, I don't know where my head is at today" she said with a smile

"It's okay, it happens" am I the only one who struggles to keep up a conversation with strangers?

"True" she replied then looked at me again "You must be new here, I don't recall seeing you before"

Is it that obvious, do people here know each other that well "I'm Ava, I just moved here with my mom"

"oh that's nice, I'm Kayla, so what do you do, school.. Work?"

She's too inquisitive for a stranger

"school, I'll be starting day after tomorrow at Crescent high school"

Her eyes immediately lit up and she smiled "wow! I go to the same school, maybe I'll see you around and we could hang... If you want to ofcourse" she said while pushing a strand of hair to the back of her ear, something I do when I'm nervous

"Yea ofcourse, I'd like that... see you Monday" I said as I smiled and picked up my order then walked to my mom only to find that she's been staring at me this whole time "well, that was quick... Making friends on your second day here, I'm starting to see the move was good for you too" she winked at me while reaching for her ice cream.

"Kayla seems nice, plus she also goes to Crescent high so yea, atleast I won't be too lost on my first day" I said suddenly feeling hopeful.

"I'm happy for you sweetheart, there's hope after all" I laughed and rolled my eyes at her, my own mother thought I was incapable of making friends.

Ok maybe it's a bit of a task for meq

I spent sunday finishing up packing in my room, I was growing more anxious seeing I was starting at a new school tomorrow so I ended up reading a novel, the usual about vampires, Im a sucker for fiction stories, twilight vibes, I just can't help it, that night my mom and I cooked some spaghetti and mince, some comfort food to help us relax and be hopeful for our first day tomorrow, for a while I head forgotten that she's also starting a new job.

At around 8:30 pm I laid in bed starring at the ceiling wondering what my day would be like tomorrow, if I'd see Kayla, I hoped I wouldn't have to walk around looking for her as I'm not really good with that, maybe I should just take a book to keep myself busy during break, I ended up tossing and turning until 1:30 am where my eyes finally gave in and I got some rest.

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