Chapter 7

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I woke up feeling happy, I was looking forward to going to school. It seems I was finally breaking out of my shell and I was loving it, I went through the normal routine of taking a bath, getting ready, packing my bag pack and heading out. I hadn't been spending a lot of time with my mom, her new job was keeping her busy.

Once I got off the bus I immediately spotted Zayne and walked towards him, I was really growing fond of him and his annoying self so it came as a shock when I noticed he's not being his usual goofy self

"hey, are you good?" I asked putting my hand on his shoulder because he wouldn't even look at me, he immediately moved away and let my hand fall

"Zayne... What is it?"  I  persisted

"nothing, I just didn't get much sleep.. I'll be ok" then he started walking away. He went on to avoid me for the rest of the day which was beyond awkward because I shared all my classes with him

"hey, have you noticed anything weird with Zayne" I asked Kayla as she walked me to the bus stop

"uhm no, why? " I explained what happened in the morning and during the day but she just brushed it off and said maybe he was having an off day

The rest of the week seemed to pass by quickly and Zayne was still doing his best to avoid me. I was starting to give up trying to find out what's going on with him and Kayla was doing her best to convince me that it probably has nothing to do with me.

Thursday morning I got ready for school and luckily this time my mom was still in the house when I finished getting ready, I was glad to hear that she's enjoying her new job and has also started making new friends. I filled her in on my life as well and while doing that I wondered if I should tell her about Xander, but I wasn't even sure what was going on.

All I know is I'm so drawn to him, when he's around it's like everything else around us fades and it's just him and I which is crazy because he hasn't even given me an indication that he likes me so I decided not to mention it to her knowing too well that I would never hear the end of it and I also needed to stop this silly crush I have on my friend's big brother.

I made my way to the entrance door with my headsets on and I went for my locker to put some of my books in, I suddenly felt a presence behind me, not knowing who it was I suddenly felt anxious but excited for some reason. I slowly closed my locker and turned around to find Xander looking straight at me.

My heart started racing, what's he doing here. Oh wait his sister goes to this school, but why isn't she with him. Oh my gosh is she ok, I suddenly had waves of worry wash over me as I started "Xander.. Hi"

"Ava" he said as he nodded "don't look so worried, everything is fine" as if reading my mind

Then he continued " I came to ask if you'd like to go out sometime, I heard you like ice cream, maybe you'd like to get some after school"

"uh yes.. I'd like to get some... Ice cream I mean" I said suddenly feeling shy

"great, So I'll pick you up after school then" he looked like he was about to get closer to me but decided not to then he smiled and turned to leave.

At break time I was sitting with Kayla having lunch " so Xander came to see me this morning" I said while trying to figure out how she would react to me hanging out with her brother

"what did he say?"

"He wants to hang after school, you'll be there right?"

"uhh actually I have something to do this afternoon but you can go ahead. I'll join you next time" I got nervous at the thought of hanging out with Xander alone, just the two of us but I already said yes so I couldn't back out now.

After school just as he promised he showed up at school, I don't know why but it seemed as he walked towards me some of the learners would slightly bow their heads as he passed them. Maybe I was imagining things again, he walked with such confidence I couldn't help but stare

"are you ready?  He asked

" yes, let's go" I offered a smile

He led me to his car and actually opened the door for me, ok wow so that's still a thing. After closing it I put my seatbelt on and he also got in and put he seatbelt on and started the car

"feel free to put on your own playlist" he offered. It felt a bit awkward being around him but I also felt at peace, like it was  so right. If only we could find something to talk about, we eventually did we asked each other questions about almost everything, our childhood, favorite things almost like we were trying to learn about, each other in a small space of time, we even had Ice cream while still asking each other questions and afterwards Xander drove us to the park, we continued sitting in his car looking at the sunset, such beauty.

"I really had a great time today Ava" he said as he looked at me, more like at my eyes

"I also had fun, thank you" I smiled shyly

"we should do it again, I'd like to spend more time with you, get to know you more" now he seemed serious

"Uhh I don't mean to be rude but why, I mean.. Im your little sister's friend. I'm not sure how she will feel about us hanging out" at that moment I heard a growl again

"you're more than that Ava" then as if to correct himself " I like you, I'd like to hang with you more, but if you'd like to speak to Kayla about it first it's ok, I understand" we agreed on that and he then drove me home, I thanked him for the ride as I got off the car then walked to my house, when I got there my mom was already cooking dinner, luckily I had texted her earlier telling her I'd be a bit late.

"so, how is Kayla, what did you guys do afterschool" she asked and I didnt have the heart to tell her I wasn't with Kayla  so I just told her we went out for ice cream and went to relax on the park, after supper I went to lay on my bed replaying today's events, Xander says he likes me, that is the thought that stuck with me until I fell asleep

Beauty and the Alpha [BEING REWRITTEN] Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora