Chapter 18

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I woke up as usual to prepare for school, I decided that I can't ignore my mom forever, at some point I need to talk to her. I stepped out of my bedroom and headed to the kitchen knowing I'd find her there

"I was starting to wonder if you still live here" she said

"I've just been busy" I mumbled

"busy ignoring me". I didn't know what to say so I just kept quiet and she continued talking

"Ignoring me won't help Ava, and I know you probably feel like I'm being hard on you but it's my duty as your mother to protect and guide you. I can't just sit back and watch you throw yourself in the middle of a world we both know nothing about. All of this doesn't make sense and I don't know how that boy got it to make sense to you "

" I also don't know how it makes sense to me but it just does. But I don't want to fight with you anymore"

"ok, lets do this. Let's have a date tonight, we will relax in our pajamas, eat ice cream and you'll pour your heart out to me while I listen then we will take it from there" she said

I immediately felt my mood pick up "it's a date" I said as I went to hug her and made my way out

"hey! Aren't you forgetting something"

I looked at her with a confused look and she pointed at the apple bowl. I rushed to get one and left for school.

I finished with my classes for the day and headed back home. I was so excited about my date with mom, it feels like I haven't spent time with her in forever. I was even thinking of movies we could watch even though it was a weekday and we couldn't go to bed late.

Either way I would take this moment to convince her about Xander, after all she did say that she will listen. When I got off the bus I walked home and noticed a man standing just outside, he looked like he was deep in thought until I walked up to him. He was tall and well built with black hair that went up to his shoulders.

"hi.. Can I help you?" I asked trying to sound as polite as I can, but something was off with this man. I just couldn't figure out what.

"oh yes, I'm looking for miss Anderson, Ava Anderson"

"that's me"

"Im from the Crescent moon pack, Alpha Xander was injured during an attack while fighting off rogues, I was sent to come get you. He really needs you"

"what.. Another attack?" I asked feeling my heart rate pick up

"yes, it seems they just aren't giving up.. Whatever it is that they want from him, they aren't willing to back down"

"where is he now? I need to see him"

"I'll take you to him, if you'd just follow me" he said as he pointed out to a car that I hadn't noticed before. We got in the car and he started driving

After driving for a while I noticed we weren't going in the same direction I normally use when going to the Knott household and I suddenly got nervous "sorry, I didn't get your name" I said


"ok Kyle, where exactly is Xander"
He kept quiet and decided not to answer me "where are we going!" now I was full on  terrified

"humans... Always so gullible, at the mention of your stupid mate being injured you lose all your senses and ability to think.Not that I would have failed to get you in the car anyway" at that moment, I realised I was in shit.

Eleanor (Ava's mom)

I got home and realised the door was still locked, Ava is usually home by this time, unless she's sleeping and decided and to lock the door. I unlocked the door, went in and took off my shoes, I smiled at a memory of how Ava always teases me about this, she doesn't get why I have to 'torture' my feet like this but honestly it's not so bad. I'm just used to taking off my shoes when I get home, it's more like taking off your bra after a long day.

I proceeded to check where Ava was, definitely not in the kitchen or sitting room, then I went to knock on her door "Ava honey, are you in there" there was no response, I opened the door to find that her bed was still neat and there was no sign of her. Maybe she's with Kayla, but she normally tells me. I tried her cell but it was off

I waited for an hour thinking she would show up but when she didn't I just got more restless, it was now dark outside and the fact that she always told me when she went somewhere, I knew something was wrong. I remembered I had kayla's number saved on my phone  so I quickly searched for it and called her


"hi Kayla, it's Eleanor, Ava's mom"

"hi Miss Anderson , is everything ok? "

"actually I was hoping you'd tell me, I'm looking for Ava, it seems she didn't come home from school, her phone is off as well, I was hoping she's with you"

"no, I last saw her when she got on the bus, she said she's going home" I heard a sudden panic hit her voice

"oh no... Then where could she be. There's no way she's still on her way"

"uhm.. I'll ask my brother to bring me there, please just give us 30 minutes before calling the police.. We will be there soon"

I hung up and many thoughts started running through my mind. Where was she, was she kidnapped, why, who could have done this. Oh Lord, my 17 year old daughter. I felt a knot on my throat but the tears just wouldn't come out. I couldn't break down, I needed to remain strong for Ava...Wherever she was

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