Chapter 22

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*Ava's POV*

I woke up feeling excruciating pain, like I'd been run over by a something big. I looked around and saw that I wasn't in my room. I wasn't familiar with this room, I've never been here before, meaning I'm still locked up and Xander didn't find me.

A sudden panic hit me when I thought of recieving a third beating. Lord knows this time I won't make it out alive, just then a warm hand caressed my arm "you're awake" I had a soft soothing voice said, it was enough to calm me down because I was to familiar with this voice. It made me feel safe.

I attempted to turn and look at him but couldn't, my body was in so much pain "don't move, you've been through a lot" he said then he got up from the bed and walked around to sit on the chair in front of me.

"You came back to me" he said as he held my hand, I didn't plan on crying but when I thought of all I've been through the tears just flooded my cheeks. I couldn't believe I actually survived that

"shhhh, it's ok. You're safe. Nobody will be laying a hand on you again" Xander said as he tried to calm me down but I just couldn't stop, maybe it was only then that the fear was starting to register in my head and all other emotions just came flooding in

"I'm sorry for putting you in danger" he said with guilt written all over his face

"It's not your fault that they are psychopaths, what kind of men enjoy beating up a woman, it amused them, seeing me beg like that. It gave them a sense of pleasure"  at that moment I saw his face change, he was getting angry

"hey, I'm ok.. You came for me and you saved me. That's all that matters" I said trying to sound ok

"Yea, you're back with us..but from now on I need to take necessary precautions to prevent this from happening again. I can't lose you"

"what do you mean?"

"someone is going to watch over you, all the time. I'd also suggest that you move in with me but I know that's something your mom needs to be on board with, and since I put you at risk I'm not sure if she will ever agree to it"

Him mentioning my mom made me miss her even more, I felt like I haven't seen her in forever and as though reading my mind.. Oh wait he actually can read my mind he answered me "she's downstairs with my mom, I'll go get her for you"

"wait, about necessary precautions. You're just going to find some random pack member to follow me around?"

He slightly smiled "not just a random pack member, I thought I'd let it be your friend, Zayne. I know you two get along quite well so it won't feel awkward to have him follow you around"

"well thank you Alpha" I teased and he just smiled and went to get my mom.


"ohh Ava, I was so worried" she said as she tried to fight off the tears,

Xander came in and helped put me in a sitting position before giving us some space, my mom looked at him until the door was closed

"You were out for two full days and he never left your side, word has it he was so overprotective when he brought you back he even refused to let the doctor touch you at first" she said as if we were having our normal gossip sessions.

"hmm, well Xander can be a bit... Protective"

"Yea, I've seen that now... I've also seen how much he and his family care for you. Part of me wants to give you my blessing, but after what happened.. I don't know Ava" she said with a worried look.

" I know it's hard mom, even I was freaked out at first when he told me about his kind. But what happened to me could have still happened in a human world"

"but how many enemies does he have Ava, how many of them will still want to get to him through you, and not forgetting that you don't have their strength. They can easily kill you. Ava I'm not saying this because I want to stand in the way of you and Xander. I just worry about you"

"I understand mom. But if you just give us a chance, and he finds ways to keep me safe, then maybe you would be more at peace"

"I'll think about it, for now get some rest, we will talk when you're up again"

"where am I" I asked suddenly remembering that I'm not in my room

"the pack house, I've been learning a few things about werewolves. They are... Intresting" she winked

"mom" I tried to exclaim but it can out as a cry, I couldn't talk loudly without feeling pain but luckily doctor Grant entered just in time

"I'm glad to see you're awake Luna, I also know that the shot I gave you to reduce pain has worn off by now so you must be feeling awful but we'll have to wait until you've had something to eat before injecting you again"

Just then Xander and Kayla entered the room alongside Rosette. "I'm glad to see you're awake honey" Rosette said with a warm smile

"me too, I missed my BFF" Kayla beamed as she walked forward to give me a hug

"careful Kayla!" Xander warned as Kayla rolled her eyes "she's not made of glass Xander, besides, I don't have muscular arms that will squeeze her" she said as she glanced at him and everyone let out a laugh as they looked at his muscular arms and he just looked away, I noticed a tray with a bowl of soup that was now set on the table near the bed.

"ok it's been fun, now she needs to eat" he said in a commanding voice as Rosette eyed him "I'm sorry, did you just use your Alpha tone on me?"

He smiled shyly, something I wasn't used to seeing and he shook his head and all this made Kayla laugh as they all exited the room then it was just the two of us

"I need to freshen up first, brush my teeth" I said as I attempted to get up, he quickly sat me back down and left the room, he returned with a new toothbrush, toothpaste and a cup of water and bowl. He really expected me to brush my teeth in front of him, no way.

"I'm going to take care of you Ava, get used to it" with that I started brushing my teeth and in a few minutes he was out and returned to the room again

"could you please pass me the soup" I asked

He chuckled and shook his head, he reached for the bowl of soup and spoon but didn't hand them to me, instead he sat next to me, looking at me while I looked right back at him in a puzzeled look

"you're not serious" I whispered

"I am" he said with an amused look

I finally gave in and let him feed me the soup.

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