Chapter One

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Jeongin walked into the supermarket. He just wanted to buy some chocolate milk for later because he freaking loves chocolate milk. He was just going to only get the milk.

Only the milk.

Nothing else.

Jeongin walked to the dairy section and scanned his eyes across all of the products before they landed on what he was looking for. Jeongin smiled. They had lots of chocolate milk in stock.

Jeongin walked up and grabbed two bottles of chocolate milk, examining the expiration date. The expiration date didn't really matter though because he probably was going to drink them both within the next 24 hours.

As Jeongin walked up to the cashiers, he suddenly felt the urge to steal something. Heart beating fast, Jeongin scolded himself in his head. No! I am paying for the chocolate milk. I am not stealing the chocolate milk, I am paying for it!

But that didn't mean that he couldn't steal something else.

Jeongin looked around before his eyes landed on the packages of gum next to the cashier. Maybe he could...

Jeongin's thoughts got interrupted as the line in front of him moved. There was only one other person in front of him so he better act quick.

Jeongin shuffled over until he was right next to the racks of gum, looking over his shoulder to make sure nobody was watching him. Once deeming the coast clear, Jeongin quickly snatched a random package of gum and stuffed it into his pocket, anxieties filling his head. What if somebody saw? Was he going to get caught? Was somebody going to-

"Have a nice day!"

Jeongin looked up to see that the person in front of him finished paying and was now walking towards the exit. Jeongin quickly sighed and walked forward, putting his bottles of chocolate milk on the conveyor belt.

"Hi! How's your day, today? Did you find everything okay?"

Jeongin looked up to see the cashier smiling widely at him. Jeongin looked down. "Y-yeah."

"Okay, that would be 7,650 won."

Jeongin gave the cashier the money with shaky hands. The cashier took the money and gave Jeongin his change back. "Thank you! Have a nice day!"

Jeongin stuffed the change in his pocket, freezing when his fingers brushed against the pack of gum. "y-you too."

The cashier immediately went to greeting and helping the next customer. Jeongin sighed and started to walk out the supermarket. Guilt immediately crashing over his thoughts.

Jeongin walked up to his car and got inside, hands shaking from nervousness. He didn't get caught this time.

Jeongin started driving to his apartment, mind racing. He had to stop stealing.

He needed to stop stealing.

He needed to.

Jeongin has been stealing for over 10 years now. Ever since he stole some random ring from a jewelry store, he couldn't stop. Whenever he went somewhere public, he always got these impulses to just take something.

Jeongin always feels so guilty after stealing. He always tells himself that he needs to stop, but he never has been able to stop.

Jeongin drove up into the apartment complex parking lot and parked the car, sighing. Jeongin ran a hand through his hair before grabbing his two bottles of chocolate milk and getting out of the car, walking towards his apartment.

Jeongin reached into his pocket to grab his keys, freezing once again when he felt the package of gum he just stole.

Jeongin took a deep breath, taking his keys out of his pocket and jamming them into the door, turning it. Jeongin walked into the apartment and closed the door.

"Jeongin! You're back!"

Jeongin looked up to see his roommate Felix coming out of his room, over to where he was standing. Jeongin tried to flash him a smile but it probably looked like a wince. "H-hi, hyung."

"Did you get your chocolate milk?"


Felix raised an eyebrow. "Only your chocolate milk?"

Jeongin immediately averted his gaze to the floor. Jeongin heard Felix sigh. "In, you need to stop doing this."

Jeongin felt tears well up in his eyes. "I'm s-sorry. I c-can't help it. It's s-so s-stupid, I just c-can't stop. I h-hate this."

Jeongin reached into his pocket and grabbed the package of gum and examined it. "How c-can I stop?"

Felix put a hand on Jeongin's shoulder, comfortingly. "You just need to resist the urge to steal."

Jeongin angrily sighed and threw the package of gum at the wall, the individual pieces of gum flying everywhere. "It's not that simple! I do tell myself that, but it never works!"

Jeongin immediately calmed down, feeling guilty for yelling at Felix, and let out a whimper. "Th-there's something wr-wrong with me."

Felix brought Jeongin into a hug. "I know that if you keep working hard, you can eventually overcome it. Just keep fighting, In."

Jeongin nodded into Felix's shoulder. "I'm tr-trying."

"I know that you can do it."

Jeongin stayed hugging Felix for quite a while, before pulling back. "Thanks, hyung."

Felix nodded. "Of course, In."

Felix turned and eyed the gum scattered all over the floor. "What are you going to do with the gum."

Jeongin shrugged and let out a sad chuckle.

"I don't know. I don't even like gum."

A/N Hi everyone! I hope you are excited for this book. Quick question, between this book and Different, which one do you want me to update first? I am going to be switching between updating these every other day, I just want to know which one you want me to update first. Thank you!

Have a nice dayn't/nightn't!


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