Chapter Sixteen

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"Thank you guys, I really appreciate it."


Jeongin and Hyunjin spent some more time reassuring and comforting Seungmin, and by the time lunchtime rolled around, Seungmin felt almost "normal". Seungmin was feeling much better and was acting more like the Seungmin that Jeongin first met.

The trio were currently at their table eating.

Jeongin watched as Seungmin and Hyunjin talked animatedly. Hyunjin chuckled, seeming to make a joke about something. Seungmin responded by playfully slapping Hyunjin.

Jeongin watched the two quite fondly. He loved his friends so much.

Time passed quite quickly as Jeongin watched the two, them being so entertaining that time literally just flew. Jeongin sighed as he stood up. Lunchtime was now over.

Seungmin looked at the two as he stood up. "Do you guys want to go to the art room again? I have an idea for another painting I want to start."

Hyunjin shook his head. "I can't come. I have therapy today."


Jeongin looked at Seungmin. "Uh, yeah. I can come to the art room."

Seungmin nodded, smiling. "Okay, cool. I guess we'll see you later, Hyunjin hyung."

Jeongin looked to Hyunjin, also smiling. "Yeah, see you."

Hyunjin gave the two a friendly wave. "Have fun. See you at dinner."

Jeongin watched as Hyunjin walked off.

Seungmin turned towards Jeongin. "So, uh, ready to go?"

Jeongin nodded, beginning to walk towards the art room. "Yeah, come on."

The pair arrived at the art room, Seungmin immediately going off to get some paints and a blank canvas. Seungmin sat down next to Jeongin. Jeongin stared at the canvas. "So what was your idea?"

Seungmin's expression seemed to visibly brighten. "Flowers! I think they're really pretty and I've just been thinking about them a lot. They have many different colors, shapes, sizes, but they're all so pretty in the end. It's like people. Everyone is different, in every aspect like looks or personality, but... inside there could be something wrong with them. Then finally as they work through it and get through all of their rough times, they could finally 'bloom', and at the end, it's all worth it. Their 'blooming' is when they get to the end. It's when they become who they finally can be."

Jeongin looked at Seungmin, admirably. Seungmin's art always interested Jeongin so much. He always had such deeper meanings to all of his art.

It was one of Jeongin's favorite things about Seungmin.

Jeongin looked back up into Seungmin's eyes. "What kind of flowers are you going to paint?"

"Probably a whole field. Like how there are many varying people, there are varying flowers, but... I have to paint the sky first."

Jeongin watched as Seungmin dipped his paintbrush into some light blue paint, brushing the paint across the canvas in smooth strokes. Seungmin could even make painting something a solid color look professional.

Seungmin's art skills were undoubtedly way higher than an average person. Jeongin has never seen somebody with such good art skills and always found his painting so interesting. The way he paints such intricate scenes and in such short times is something that only a professional artist can do. Seungmin has made many paintings while he's been here and Jeongin has seen many of them.

They were all so good.

Seungmin dipped his paintbrush in his water cup, the water now stained a light blue color. "Now I just have to wait for it to dry."

Jeongin stared at the now light blue canvas, matching the color of the water. "It looks good so far."

Seungmin chuckled. "It's literally just one color."

"Your art is always so good. No matter what."

"Oh, uh. Thanks."

The two fell into a short, comfortable silence. Jeongin stared at Seungmin's face, who seemed to be focused on something now.

Jeongin was about to question him, when Seungmin suddenly turned his head to look at Jeongin. "Jeongin, I... I actually have something to tell you."

Jeongin raised his eyebrows. "Okay...? What is it?"

Seungmin suddenly looked nervous. "Well, I... you know that I had a kind of relapse earlier because... well because I was thinking about you and Hyunjin hyung. Jeongin you, well... you seem to be so genuine and caring. You help us through things even though you have your own struggles and, I guess I... I admire that a lot about you. I like that about you and... well to keep it short..."

Seungmin let out a shaky breath.

"I think I might like you."

A/N the amount of popcorn that I've been consuming while writing my books is so much send help

have a good day!


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