Chapter Two

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"I don't know. I don't even like gum."


"Hey, In. Could you help me pick something out for Jisung hyung's birthday? I have absolutely no ideas and if I go to the store by myself I'd probably be there for hours because of how indecisive I am."

Jeongin looked up from where he was laying down on his bed to see Felix at the doorway of his room. Jeongin sighed. "Hyung, you know what happens whenever I go to the store. I-"

Felix crossed his arms and interrupted, looking at Jeongin with a raised eyebrow. "Okay, first of all, I'm going to be there, so if you ever get the impulse, I'll be there to stop you. Second, you need to practice controlling your impulses."

"But I ca-"

Felix stared at Jeongin, pleadingly. "Please come. I'm so bad at getting birthday gifts and you always seem to have the best ideas for gifts."

Jeongin sighed and rolled off the bed. "Fine."


Jeongin followed Felix into the store, eyes glancing around anxiously. Even though the last time he stole something was a couple of hours ago, Jeongin still had a strange intuition that he might get another impulse.

"What do you think about this?"

Jeongin brought his attention back from his thoughts and saw Felix holding a pair of jeans. Jeongin didn't even notice that they went to the clothing section. Jeongin raised an eyebrow. "Really? Pants?"

Felix shrugged. "They're cool pants."

Jeongin looked at Felix, crossing his arms disappointedly. "You're going to get Jisung hyung pants for his birthday."

Felix huffed before shoving the pants back onto the rack. "I don't know. This is what I mean when I said I'm bad at getting gifts."

Jeongin shook his head. Why was Jeongin friends with such an idiot?

"Ooh, what about these?"

Jeongin stared as Felix took another pair of pants from another rack. Jeongin sighed, embarrassed, slapping the palm of his hand onto his forehead. "I swear to God I... Those are literally exactly the same pair of pants except a shade darker."

Felix looked at Jeongin innocently. "But they look even cooler."

Jeongin snatched the pants from Felix, causing him to yelp before Jeongin threw them back on the rack before gripping onto Felix's wrist. Jeongin pulled Felix out of the clothing section, ignoring his protests. Jeongin gritted his teeth, annoyance clear in his tone. "First of all Felix, how much money do you have?"

Felix tried to pry himself out of Jeongin's grip but Jeongin's grip was way too strong. "I don't know. And I can't check because you won't let me."

Jeongin shoved his hand into Felix's pocket, making Felix gasp. Jeongin grabbed Felix's wallet, immediately opening it and counting the money inside. "It looks like you have enough money for a..."

Jeongin scanned his eyes across the store before landing on something that Felix could afford. Jeongin hummed before raising his eyebrows. "You could buy him a Nerf gun."

Felix followed Jeongin's gaze over to where he was looking. "Jisung and a Nerf gun would be absolute chaos."

Jeongin nodded. "Well yeah, but he'd like it. Quite a lot."

Felix huffed. "Alright. But if he murders us with it then it's your fault."

Jeongin let go of Felix's wrist and started walking over to the Nerf gun he was looking at. "It's just a Nerf gun. It can't be that dangerous."


Jeongin watched as Felix walked up to the cash registers. Felix decided to buy the Nerf gun, despite knowing that Jisung would probably attempt to kill them with it.

Jeongin didn't have an impulse to steal anything so far.

Keyword: didn't.

Jeongin was currently sneaking over to the rack full of movies. For some reason, they seemed like a good target today.

Jeongin knew that he shouldn't be doing this again, but he couldn't stop. His feet seemed to have a mind of his own as he walked up next to the movies.

Jeongin looked around to see if anyone was watching.

The coast seemed clear. Everyone was minding their own business.

Heart beating fast from anxiety, Jeongin quickly took one last glance over his shoulder before quickly shoving a copy of Avengers: Endgame into his jacket, zipping it up quickly.

Jeongin mentally blew a sigh relief. It looks like he didn't get caught again.

"Hey! What are you doing?!"

Or not.

A/N This chapter is shorter than I usually write so that's a big oops.

I don't know how many of you guys are also Dreamcatcher stans but they had a comeback today and I can't stop listening to their new song. Stan Dreamcatcher. Stream Boca. I don't even care if you don't even know who they are, by reading this you are now legally obligated to go stream Boca. (not really but you should)

Have a nice y e s


Mental - HyunSeungI.N.Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum