Chapter Three

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Or not.


Jeongin thought he was dead when he got caught stealing something, but when he found out that the person that caught him was an off-duty police officer.

Big yike.

"Hey! What are you doing?!"

Jeongin froze, seeing a man approach him in his peripheral vision. Jeongin panicked, vision getting fuzzy. Jeongin's panic got even worse when he saw the man pull out a police badge.

Jeongin started hyperventilating.

"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say may be used against..."

Jeongin felt tears well up in his eyes. No, this couldn't be happening.

"...consult an attorney before interrogation and to have an attorney present during...

Jeongin's eyes frantically looked around. "p-please no. I can't go to j-jail no please."

"In? What's going on here?"

Jeongin bit his lip trying to stop himself from crying as he saw Felix walk up. Jeongin squeezed his eyes shut. "I-I got c-caught."

Jeongin couldn't focus on what happened next. He loosely remembered Felix explaining that Jeongin had kleptomania and that he shouldn't be arrested, but everything that happened next was a blur.

Jeongin looked up as he saw a police officer enter the room. The police officer slid the metal chair opposite of Jeongin before sitting down, the chair making a loud screeching noise.

Jeongin looked at the officer fearfully. Jeongin knew that this was going to happen eventually, but now that it was actually happening, Jeongin was terrified.

The officer pulled out a pen and clicked it, immediately starting to write on a clipboard he brought in before looking up at Jeongin. "Hello, my name is Detective Seo. Before we start, could you please tell me your full name and your date of birth?"

Jeongin hesitated before telling the officer the needed information.

The officer nodded before continuing to write on his clipboard. The officer set the pen down before looking back up. "So, I've been told that you were caught shoplifting yesterday at around 7:13 p.m. Is that correct, Mr. Yang?

Jeongin nodded before letting out a shaky breath. "Y-yes."

The officer wrote another sentence. "And what exactly did you shoplift?"

Jeongin rested his chin on hand. "Some random movie."

The officer nodded. "Okay. And what were your intentions with your theft?"

"I-I... I don't know."

The officer raised an eyebrow. "Mr. Yang, it is important for you to be honest so that we could issue the correct form of punishment."

Jeongin stayed silent. He was honestly scared for his life. Would confessing send him straight to jail?

The officer sighed before looking back down at his clipboard. "I have information that somebody on the crime site informed the officer that you have kleptomania. Is that correct?"

Jeongin's lip quivered before hesitantly nodding. "I-I do."

The officer nodded. "How much merchandise or items have you stolen in your whole life?"

Jeongin felt a tear slip from his eye. He couldn't lie to a police officer. He was going to be sent to jail if he confessed to all of his crimes. Probably for his whole life. Jeongin didn't know if he could handle-

"Mr. Yang, please answer the question."

He had to confess at some point. "P-probably hundreds."

The officer sighed. "Look, Mr. Yang, shoplifting is a serious crime, and with amount of items you have stolen, the amount of years you can serve in jail can rack up to a long time, but-"

Jeongin started shaking. "No, p-please. I c-can't go to j-jail, I can't please, I-I try s-so hard to s-stop but I-I just can't, p-please..."

Jeongin felt even more tears fall out of his eyes, immediately looking down at the table to hide them. "Th-there's something wrong with me."

The officer looked at Jeongin, a bit of pity creeping into his gaze. "Mr. Yang, I personally think it would be best if you were enrolled in a psychiatric facility. Therapy and medication could help you. I'll put a word in to the higher ups."

Jeongin looked up at the officer. "R-really?"

"Yes, Mr. Yang. All of your crimes are from a mental issue, and it'd be better if it could be managed so we could prevent any more crimes in the future."

Jeongin nodded. "Th-thank you."

The officer nodded before standing up, chair screeching once again. "I'm just doing my job. Somebody else will be with you in a second."

Jeongin watched the police officer leave the room.

Jeongin didn't know how to feel. Relieved? Scared? Happy? He knew he always needed help for his kleptomania, but he was always so scared. He didn't want to go to a mental hospital because he has always seen them being depicted as something terrifying, but now he was being forced into going to one.

Jeongin wiped the leftover tears that lingered on his cheeks. He guessed he would find out soon enough.

At least he wouldn't be going to jail.

A/N I don't know if I actually wrote this accurately because I've never been interrogated by the police (and I hope I never will lol). So if any of y'all are more informed on these kind of things and I wrote something completely wrong, please tell me. I'd appreciate that. :)

Have a nice time on e a r t h


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