Chapter Nineteen

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Seungmin stopped when he saw Hyunjin's eyes flutter open.

"Hyung! Oh my god!"

Hyunjin blinked, staring at the two. "G-guys?"

Jeongin looked at Hyunjin. "Hyung, what happened? Why are you in here?"

Hyunjin diverted his eyes, looking around the room. "I-I... I was told that I passed out."

Jeongin and Seungmin immediately looked at each other, concern etched on each of their faces. "You passed out? From what?"

Hyunjin stayed silent for a second, before sighing. "...lack of eating."

Jeongin's eyes widened.


Hyunjin has been doing so well in his recovering. How'd he regress? "W-why?"

Hyunjin looked away. "I guess... I guess I should be honest with you two."

Jeongin suddenly felt nervous, subconsciously grabbing Seungmin's hand for comfort. What was he going to tell them?

Hyunjin let out a shaky breath. "I... actually like both of you, in um... that way, and I couldn't really help it. You both are so helpful and funny and are... all around such good and inspirational people. I couldn't help catching feelings for you both, so when... when I found out that you guys are together... I... I-I c-couldn't help b-but feel u-unworthy. I th-thought that maybe I j-just w-wasn't enough, and it sounds so selfish, b-but... I thought that if I-I l-looked b-better, maybe I'll be good enough."

Jeongin's eyes widened, grabbing Hyunjin's hand with his free hand. He couldn't believe that Hyunjin was feeling this way. He should've noticed it earlier.

Jeongin thought about Hyunjin's words for a bit more. Hyunjin liked both him and Seungmin?

Jeongin knew that he had some feelings for Hyunjin. He already acknowledged them earlier.

Seungmin looked at the ground. "I actually... uh... if I'm honest... I actually have some feelings for you too, hyung. I'm s-sorry, Jeongin."

Jeongin looked up at Seungmin with a bit of surprise. "R-really? Because, I do too."

The three immediately went silent, relishing in the new information they just recieved.

Did they really all have mutual feelings for each other?

Hyunjin looked up at the two. "Do you guys... really?"

Seungmin looked at Jeongin before looking at Hyunjin. "I.. guess we do"

"What are we going to do about it?"

Jeongin looked between the other two boys, an idea forming in his head. "We could all date each other, like a polyamorous relationship."

Jeongin and Seungmin slowly looked at each other, wordless communication passed between the two. They knew what they should do.

Jeongin and Seungmin turned their heads towards Hyunjin, the exact same words coming out of their mouth at the same time. "Be our boyfriend?"

Hyunjin had a small smile on face. "Yeah."

Jeongin hasn't felt this happy in such a long time.


Jeongin was currently sitting at their usual table, eating his dinner. Hyunjin was going to have to stay in the medical unit a bit longer so it was just him and Seungmin for now.

"Hey, Jeongin."

Seungmin sat down at the table, a bright smile on his face. Jeongin smiled back. "Hey, hyung."

"Are you excited for when Hyunjin will finally get out of the medical unit?"

Jeongin nodded, setting his spoon down. "Yeah. I can't believe we haven't noticed that he's been feeling left out."

Seungmin sighed, looking at the table. "Yeah, I hope he won't feel like this any longer."

"I hope so, but if he does, we'll help him through."

"Of course we will."

As Jeongin thought about it more and more, he knew that this was the way it was supposed to be. The three of them together forever.

The three of them helped each other so much, they helped each other through their highs and lows for their whole time at the ward. Jeongin would've never gotten to where he was in his journey to getting better if it wasn't for these two people.

Jeongin pretty much owed everything to them.

Jeongin knew he wanted to spend the rest of his life with Seungmin and Hyunjin. His appreciation for them was literally so high, higher than anyone he's ever known.

He needed them, just like they needed him.

Jeongin could never imagine what it would be like without them.

A/N oh heck the moment we've all been waiting for. this chapter is kinda short oop. there's only a few more chapters left, i cant believe its ending so soon :(

have a good day


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