Chapter Six

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"You can do it. I know you can."


Felix got out of his car, looking up at the psychiatric facility.

Today, he was going to visit Jeongin.

Felix opened the backseat of his car, grabbing a bottle of chocolate milk and some flowers that he brought for Jeongin. Felix didn't know whether or not there was chocolate milk at the facility, so Felix brought him a bottle because Jeongin "can't live without it."

Felix sighed and closed the car door before starting to walk towards the building. He wondered how Jeongin was doing. Was he doing okay? Was he getting better?

Was he getting worse?

Felix shivered as he opened the door, immediately walking up to the front desk. The lady looked up at Felix. "Hi, how can I help you?"

Felix set the bottle of chocolate milk and the flowers on the desk. "I'm here to visit someone."

"Okay, which patient are you visiting?"

"Yang Jeongin."

The lady typed a few things on her keyboard before looking back up at Felix. "Okay. Can I see your I.D.?"

Felix reached into his pocket and pulled out his wallet, opening it and taking out his I.D. card. Felix slid his I.D. over to the lady, the lady taking it. The lady looked at it for a few seconds before sliding it back. The lady took out a tray from beneath the desk. "Please put things like wallets, car keys, cellphones, anything that could potentially be harmful to the patient in here. We'll keep it here until you leave. Visiting hours do close at 9 p.m. which is in a little bit over an hour from now."

Felix put his things in the tray and the lady immediately took it and put it back under the desk. The lady pointed down one of the hallways. "Mr. Yang is in room 47 which will be down this hallway, through the cafeteria and down the hallway on the left. The odd-numbered rooms are on the left side."

Felix nodded. "Thank you."

The lady went back to typing on her computer. Felix grabbed the bottle of chocolate milk and the flowers and started walking down the hallway.

Felix walked through the facility before locating the correct door, knocking.

The door opened, revealing Jeongin. Jeongin's eyebrows furrowed. "Hyung, what are you doing here?"

Felix smiled. "I'm visiting. What else would I be doing here?"

"Okay that's true, I'm stupid. Come in."

Jeongin opened the door and Felix walked in, Jeongin immediately closing the door. Felix held up the chocolate milk and the flowers. "I brought you stuff."

Jeongin's eyes widened as he looked at the bottle of chocolate milk. "You brought me chocolate milk? They don't have any here so I've been dying. Give."

Jeongin grabbed the bottle and immediately opened it, drinking it extremely fast. Felix chuckled. "Whoa, In. Slow down."

Jeongin somehow finished the bottle in about 10 seconds, wiping his mouth immediately with the back of his hand. Jeongin looked at the empty bottle. "Oops. Uh... this is what happens when I get starved from greatness for too long."

Felix rolled his eyes chuckling. "Well, now it's gone."

Jeongin looked at the bottle sadly. "Yeah."

Jeongin gestured Felix to come into the room and sat on his bed. "Come in."

Felix sat on the bed next to Jeongin, eyes wandering around the room before landing on the bed on the other side of the room. "Do you have a roommate?"

Jeongin nodded. "Yeah, I do. His name is Chan and he's quite a nice guy. He's visiting one of his friends right now so he's not here, obviously."

"Oh. So uh... what has happened in the past two days you've been here?"

Jeongin scratched his neck. "Uh well..., I had a therapy session earlier today."

Felix raised an eyebrow. "And...?"

"Taehyung is pretty nice. He's really helpful and doesn't act like I'm any lower than him."

Felix nodded. "That's good."

"Yeah. We talked about impulses and how they work. It was quite helpful. We even talked a bit about how I stole... nevermind."

Felix looked at Jeongin, eyebrows furrowed. "You stole something?"

Jeongin chuckled nervously. "I kind of maybe could possibly have stolen a spoon from the cafeteria earlier."

"In, I do-"

Jeongin raised a hand to stop Felix from talking. "But it's okay. I'm here to get better and I have to start somewhere. Even if I am still in my habits. I know I can improve."

Felix smiled. "That's the spirit."

Jeongin got off the bed, smiling at Felix. "Yeah. Come on, I'll show you around the facility before you have to leave."

A/N I think the pacing in this chapter is kinda yikes oops.

Also I realized that I put Jisung in the story twice already as two different characters (one as Felix and Jeongin's friend and one as the nurse) and I don't have anymore characters that I could put in to replace either of them so I edited chapter four a bit and now they are the same character. But it's all okay though, doing that (making Jisung already know Jeongin prior to his admittance) actually helps a part of the story that I put in the outline that I didn't know how to implement so it all worked out.

Also, please remember that if I write something in this book completely wrong, please inform me. Thank you.

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