Vol 2. Chapter 66 -Truth-

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Vol 2. Chapter 66 -Truth-

Knives' P.O.V.

When I started telling him my story, only two emotions reigned inside of me, relief and worry.

Relief cause finally I could release myself from my past or you could say my previous life.

And Worry that he would abandon me when he hears the truth.

While talking I just kept my head down, feeling emabarassed, I keep my voice medium so its just the two of who could hear me talk, though I could feel how my voice kept getting smaller and smaller the good thing is that I still managed to finish my story, but by that time the sun already rose. I froze at my position, not feeling the pain on my hands because of how tight I gripped it.

A minute or two passed, finally I have the strenght to face him, I slowly raise my head, my eyes searching for his eyes, when we made I contact, I became stiff once again.

The eyes that I expect to have the glint of hatred or disgust have this unfamiliar emotion.

His brows wrinkled while a small smile rested on his lips, confusion clouded my thoughts, before a thought crossed my mind, I think they call that... relief, like what I was feeling a minute ago.

"..." he stayed silent before taking some air then letting out a sigh of relief, out of nowhere he pulled for a tight hug.

"I was actually waiting for you to open up, 'cause I know that you've been holding something that restrains you from being happy... I'm thankful that you finally shared it with me" for a second time around I burst out a sob, while mumbling my apologies.

After that confession, my days became months and it passed peacefully, though I still have some difficulties with my first pregnancy.

My labor finally came and its definitely unexpected, 'cause its in the middle of our sect meeting and all of my subordinates and disciples ran around like their tail is on fire.

Fortunately we made it in my room, with me cursing that husband of mine, it was the most painful I'd ever experience in my two lifetime, take note the fact that I'm giving birth to triplets.

While in the process of the said painful torture, Jin didn't enter the room but I could here Grisha's logical pleas to not enter for the reason that I might really kill him with my own hands, and I'm thankful for that.

When the said torture ended, without a doubt I passed out.

When I woke up, he even tried setting up a meeting with ministers to pick for our children's name, but luckily I already did.

But after he came back without hesitation I took his neck and strangle it weakly, while whispering these words dangerously, "I will kill if you want more kids!"

Now I know why Nadia complained to me when Lev want more offsprings.




And I'm finally posting this as completed and I can finally focus on writing my other stories!!!


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