Chapter 5 Date Day Has Arrived! Part 1

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3rd Person POV/ Narrator POV
After the whole maid debacle (Y/n) finally figured out what she was doing for the couples date.

A water park and amusement park! Well it's actually an amusement park that has a water park inside it but no need to be specific.

Full Time Water Roller Park! Or FTERP for short! The amusement and water park all wrapped in one! And the best place— and most famous date place —to go have fun, enjoying the rides, attractions, water slides and water tubes! Here we are now, the two love birds going to the amusement park first.
(Y/n) POV
We hand the man our tickets and walk in. It's very crowded so what does darling do? Hold my hand of course. I blush harshly and turn my head to look at literally anything else.

'I can hear people talking.. what's worse is that they're talking about what a cute couple we are. I know that technically we are a couple but it's still embarrassing.' I'm pulled out of my thoughts by darling's tugging on my arm.

"Hm?" I look up at her as she points at a roller coaster. I gulp noticing the loop de loops but still give her a smile and nod.

She squeals happily as she drags me to the line. It's not long before we get on— surprisingly —.

We get strapped in and wait till it starts, "I'm excited. Aren't you?" She smiles at me as I nod back shakily, 'She's a yandere right? So she knows what I like and don't like? Right? So that means she knows I don't like loop de loops. Is this just a trick to get me to-' My thoughts are cut short a second time by a sudden rush and probably whiplash brought by the ride. Everyone screams either in happiness/excitement or fear, I of course am the latter. I grasp onto darling like if I let go I'll get thrown out of the ride even though I'm perfectly strapped in and held tight, 'SHE DEFINITELY PLANNED THIISSSSSS!!'
Timeskip to the end of that "death trap".
(Y/n)'s words not mine.
I wobble off the ride still clinging to darling as she whispers words of only sweetness too attempt to calm me down.

I catch my breath and look up at her and deadpan, "You planned that didn't you." I glare at her. She turns her head, whistling while sweating bullets, 'Knew it..' I sigh heavily and start to drag her, "Since you want to play like that then fine. Let's play." She flinched at my sudden cold tone, 'Since I know most of her interests- not because I'm a stalker. At all. I know what she doesn't like... and that is.'

We arrive at the spinning teacup rides. I smirk at her and I immediately notice she's shaking in her boots while having a grim, fearful look on her face, 'Jeez how scared of these things is she?' I forcibly drag her to the teacups and get on. She's still shaking horrendously, so much in fact I bet she could be one of those massage chairs if I sat on her- 'NO NO NO THAT CAME OUT WRONG NOPE I- I DIDN'T MEAN IT LIKE THAT!!' I blush aggressively and shake my head.

The ride starts up. Darling jumps harshly making me flinch, 'Jeez...' I grin evilly and set my hands on the spinner wheel. She looks at me fearfully and starts to shake her head side to side frantically then gives me a look saying, 'you wouldn't dare'. I smirk and suddenly twist the wheel as hard as I can making us spin quite suddenly. She squeals and holds onto the walls of the teacup for dear life.

We spin and spin at that pace for awhile— with darling still shaking in her boots —but then... I suddenly do the most riskiest thing I've ever done in my entire love life of not having a love life. I scoot over to her, grab her by the collar of her shirt and make her look down at me. She looks at me with widened eyes and a face that just screams, 'that's surprising!' That expression quickly wipes away after I passionately kiss her. She quietly moans into the kiss making this wayyyy more sexual than I expected and turning my already red face into a face that could rival every red haired anime character in existence. I pull away before she could wrap her arms around me and TWIST the hell out of the teacup wheel. She screeches and falls to her side due to the sudden movement. I laugh harshly and continue to spin only stopping for when the ride ends.

We get off with a sulking darling and me trying to keep in my giggles. She looks over to me with a pouty face which makes me giggle even more. She sighs and joins in on my laughter.

"You might have won the teacups but we still have the other rides and the pool so don't think this is over yet." She grins challengingly at me. I grin back just as intense, "Your on. Don't forget you still have to dress up as a maid." Once I bring that up her face flushes making her turn away from me. I laugh and pat her head.

"Did you really mean to do that?" She breaks my laughter with the question, "What do you mean?" I raise a brow as we walk through the crowd, hand in hand. "The kiss.." The tables have now turned as I am now the flustered one. "Y-yeah.." I mutter squeezing her hand slightly. I look down, embarrassed but that doesn't last long since a hand brings my face up and... kisses me.

The kiss lasts for a few seconds before we pull away, breathless. I quickly get a grasp of my emotions thanks to a very lovely smile from darling and hide my face in her neck as she gives a sweet laugh. She gives me a peck on the head as we stand there for a bit before going back to walking. Hand in hand and a smile covering each of our faces.

'Four kisses already? (Y/n) you're on a roll..'

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