Chapter 25 Back To The Mystery

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(Y/n) POV

(Trigger Warnings: Slight Mention of Suicide)

(Unedited. Beware of, Grammar, Punctuation, and Spelling Mistakes)

It's been a few days now and we're all finally allowed to go back to school.

Kirikaku has banned me from investigating because of Mitsuo's death. Rest in peace.

All I can really do is nod and accept. I don't want to think what she'll do if she finds out I went behind her back. For example, she said she would kidnap me and 'make me love her' if I had stopped loving her that day. I don't want to take that risk, not yet. I'll try and convince her to let me do it, shouldn't be to hard... probably.

Back to the school.

The school had given us a few days off because of the murder. They would instantly guess that the school would try and pull kids out of the school because of a student murdered.

Some did. Most stayed though because of many conferences and upgraded security to the school.

Luckily the news about the murderer hasn't reached my mom yet. If she actually found out about this she would definitely pull me out.

None of this seems real though. Talking about a murderer. Talking about getting pulled out of school. My friends dead.

Even though I've accepted the fact they're all gone, it still hasn't really hit me yet. I know I grieved over them but it honestly all felt like a bad headache.

Though, the fireflies I will always remember.

As we walk to school I turn around and start to walk backwards. I look at the sun, placing a hand over my eyes to shield them.


Even though I barely knew him. I felt like we connected over that simple word and smile, 'Run.' It makes me feel like we knew each other for years.

I sigh and turn back around. Kirikaku hums, "Something wrong?" I shake my head and yawn, "Just not missing going back to school." She chuckles at my unenthusiastic attitude.

"Hey kiri, do you think Tama, Ami, Hiromi, Sakiya, and Rei know about this?" I gasp, "Oh god.." Kirikaku gives me a worried look, "What about Ai.. everyone from the student council is dead.." I look at Kirikaku fearfully.

She bites her lip, "We'll have to see how she reacts."

"It's okay though, we'll be there with her." I slowly nod but remember something.

"Rule number four." Kirikaku stares at me, confused. That confusion suddenly turns to fearful surprise.

"Number four. If you murder anymore of our friends. We're through. No more second chances, no more hugs and hand holding, no more living together. I'll move away and if you follow me." I clench my fists and grit my teeth, "I'll take my own life."

Kirikaku makes a noise of surprise and fear. "I- O-okay! Okay! I won't do anything like that again!" I look at her with a serious glare, "You better."

She nods, "I-I will! Anything but that! Anything but your death!" She tears up slightly.

I sigh and slowly become less stiff. I grab her by her face and bring it down to face me. A few tears escape her eyes. She reaches to clean her tears but I beat her to it.

I wipe away her tears with my thumbs. I slowly bring my face closer to hers. She shuts her eyes prepared for a kiss.

I peel my hands away from her face and continue to walk to school. (SIKE)

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