Chapter 28 Insight

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(Y/n) POV

Trigger Warnings: Blood, Cussing, Suicide Mentions

It's been awhile since the club search and we couldn't find anything. Maybe I was wrong? Maybe they aren't in a club.

I sigh as I sit in Mrs. Kyohaku's office, "Something wrong?" She raises a brow and looks at me.

"It's just.. we couldn't find anything in the clubs. I told Tama to search the boys clubs but he didn't find anything out of the ordinary."

She places a hand on her chin, "Well then what should we do next?" I blink, surprised at her, "You're asking me?" I point at myself. She chuckles and nods, "You're the only one who's had any ideas that have been close to catching this person."

I can't help but smile at her praise. "Wow.. thanks.." I mumble. She gives a curt nod and goes back to writing on some papers.

"Why don't you go to the council room and take a break. Maybe if you look at things with a fresh mind then you'll get an idea." I nod and stand up, "Okay, I will. I'll talk to you later then!" I smile and wave at her as she waves back.

I jog out and start to head to the college council room. 'It feels nice to see Mrs. Kyohaku in a different light.'

(???) POV

"Hello?" I knock on the door and walk in.

Sakiya looks up at me, "Hello, how may I help you?" I smile and wave her over. She gives me a strange look but stands up anyway.

"I think I found something.. weird.. in the janitors closet.." I say worriedly. She furrows her brows and nods, "Follow me!" I run off to the janitors closet near the end of the school.

I open the closet and nod for her to look in. She nods and peaks her head in. I grin and take out a white cloth.

"I don't see—!!" I cover her mouth with the cloth. She quickly tries to struggle which forces me to hold her tightly.

She elbows me in the gut making me cough, "Bitch!" I ram her head into the wall making her pass out. I huff, slightly tired.

"Finally.." I smile happily and pick her up. I carry her to an empty classroom and tie her up in a chair.

"This should do it." I grab my water bottle and dump it on her head. She gasps as she wakes up.

"Who the hell are you!" She growls and struggles against the ropes.

"Relaxxxx Yoko." She stops moving and glares at me. "How do you know my last name.." I grin widely, "Oh~? That's because I've done my research about you. Oh! That reminds me, you better watch your tongue or that sweeett little girlfriend of yours will be next." She stares at me with wide eyes. "What do you want."

I smile, "Why to kill you of course!" Her breath hitches. "Why.." I place a finger on my cheek, debating whether or not to tell her.

"Okie dokie! Might as well tell you since you won't be able to spread the news when you're six feet under!" I smile at her. She gulps loudly and tries to keep her tough demeanor on.

"Well my boss—I call 'em bossman—wants to kill off some kids to shut down the school! You see, the school owner really fucked bossman over and well... it caused bossman's family to leave 'em and their 'significant other' to take a little hop off a nearby bridge because their life was hell." I take a deep breath, "Soooo! Because of the school changing and taking bossman away from their family.. well! They aren't all that happy that the school caused bossman's partner to take a swan dive."

I take a deep breath, "That's it! Simple revenge!" I smile widely at her as she stares at me with pure fear.

"Don't worry! I'll try and spare little Rei! Though, others are definitely going to die." I grin happily and satisfied at her horrified face.


"No- wait!—" I pick up a knife and plunge it into her stomach. She coughs and spits up buckets of blood. I grin and giggle calmly.

I take the knife out of her and stab her again. Again. Again. Again—

"Again. Again. Again. Again!!" I laugh widely.

I stare at Sakiya's bloody body. Knife wounds covering her skin. I sigh, content. I lift the knife up and hold it with two hands.

I stab the knife harshly into her head. I grin and walk to the locker in the room. I grab out a backpack—one of mine—and change my red stained clothes into a new pair of clean ones.

I take out some water and a rag and clean my skin.

I glance at the dead body and smile at my work. I grab my school bag and leave the room. I head out of the back exit and run to the front of the school. Some students are leaving already so I just join the flow of students.

I take out my phone and text bossman.

'It's done.'

I wait for bossman's response, 'Good.'

I grin happily and skip to my house.

(Y/n) POV

"Hello? Anyone here?" I open the door. "Empty?"

I huff, "So I ran all the way here for nothing?"

I shut the door and look at the desk. 'Papers?' I pick up the half written paper and the pen on the floor.

"Was she in a rush?" I hum, "Probably. I guess I'll just grab Kirikaku and head home." I sigh and start to make my way back to the high school.

"What a pain.."

"And here I was really looking forward to seeing everyone. Especially Sakiya..'


A/N: Sorry if it's short

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