Chapter 15 The Lights

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(Y/n) POV
It's been a few days since then and everything's been swell, darling has been being good to Tama and Masami. I introduced her to the student council which went well but afterwords I of course had to give her the "talk" about not committing an illegal act of the law which can at times be an act which is punishable by death. So far so good.

Right now we are all eating together and by all I mean the student council and darling—me included duh—while talking about everyone's dating life... fun.

"We actually have a date on Saturday." Sakiya held Rei's hand.

Rei blushed and turned her head making me, darling, Tama and Masami to laugh. She cleared her throat and adjusted her hand—which was still in Sakiya's—, "Y-yes, we are going to the movies to watch "Jumanji." The new one."

"Oh! The one with Kevin Hart and Dwayne Johnson?" Masami inquired.

Rei nodded. Ami hummed, "Dwayne Johnson? I always call him The Rock." I nod, "Me to."

"Aren't they super funny together." Sakiya smiled, "Yeah, every movie they've been together made good money- that being they're both funny with the tall and muscular and the short and feisty. The duo makes the world laugh." Hiromi joins in making Tama agree.

"What about you Kirikaku? What do you think of them?" Masami looks over at darling.

"O-oh..." She nervously chuckles, "I've never seen any of their movies together.." She smiles keeping her eye brows up turned.

I gasp, "Really?!" I grab onto her shoulders and look straight at her, "When we get home we are going to find movies of them and watch them, maybe another day watch Jumanji like what Sakiya and Rei are doing." I let her go and take a sip of water.

She laughs, "Alright alright."

Everyone laughs at my sudden friendly aggressive behavior at darling causing me to pout.

Suddenly the lights start to flicker making everyone stop laughing.

"What's wrong with the lights?" Hiromi raises a brow, "If we knew that we wouldn't be staring now would we." Ami retorts. Hiromi smacks Ami, "Ow!" Ami smacks her back, "Hey!" They start to smack each other back and forth,"Both of you quiet!" Sakiya raises her voice. Sakiya has a stoic expression on and an arm out as to express herself more, "This must be serious, Sakiya almost never yells unless it's something that can't be dealt with jokingly." Tama whispers to me. I gulp and notice everyone's serious faces, 'Hell, even Masami has on a serious face.' I look over at darling, she looks ready to murder someone.. which she probably is.

The lights continue to flicker but start to get even more rapid. I decide to slowly stand up and look out the window, I don't hear anyone telling me not to so I go. I hear darling follow but I don't mind.

On the opposite side of us—TSA—the lights are flickering also, it's hard to see since it's day but they are.

My breath hitches when the power finally cuts out. I turn back around and look around the dimly lit room, the only light being the light coming in from the windows.

"Does this usually happen.." Masami breaks the silence.

"Nope." Ami replies. She sighs and lays back, using her arms as support.

There's a ding from the intercoms and then a woman's voice, "Excuse me everyone for the interruption. There seems to be trouble coming from the power room, the problem will be solved shortly but until then everyone do what your teacher's or senpai's say. Sorry for the disruption and have a good day." The com cuts out.

"Well this is... " Hiromi tries to piece together a word, "Bad." Ami finishes.

Rei sighs and nods, "This is rather unfortunate but I suppose we will have to wait until the power comes on." Sakiya nods quickly changing her serious expression to one of her normal smile.

"How long do you think it'll take?" Masami said referring to the cut out lights.

"I don't think it'll take more than an hour, that's for sure." Hiromi crosses her arms.

"I hope not." I sigh.

'I was wrong.'

It's been 2 hours since the power went off, school is about to be over in a few minutes.

"This is just dumb." Ami grumbles as she lays on her back staring at the ceiling.

Everyone hums in agreement. There have been a few times we left but we still got the same answer, 'It's fine! The power will be on soon!'

As of right now everyone has taken strange positions.

Tama and Masami are each laying on the floor, Masami's head resting on Tama's shoulder.

Sakiya is sitting at the desk near the back of the room reading. Rei sitting on the opposite side of her reading as well.

Hiromi and Ami playing cards whilst as I said Ami laying on her back. Hiromi however is sitting crisscross and shuffling the cards.

Me and darling are resting our backs against the wall. I'm sat in her lap as she messes with my hair or just snuggles into me. At first I was embarrassed but that embarrassment had quickly faded as the minutes passed into hours.

"Ughhhgh!!" Hiromi shouts, "I'm tired of this! Let's just go home! We don't need to wait-" She checked the clock, "Two more minutes!"

Rei sighs, "At this point I'm slightly agreeing with you."

"Let's go everyone." Rei stands up and stretches.

Everyone gets up and grabs their bags and other miscellaneous objects that they brought. We all make it out the room and start our journey to the front doors.

I can see others also leaving. Suddenly the bell rings and others rush out even quicker talking about what happened.

"What do you think actually happened?" I look at darling. She places a finger on her cheek as she thinks, "Sabotage." I flinch, "Really?!" Darling puts a finger on her lips making me cover my mouth. 

She nods, "They didn't fix the lights, they didn't think of calling the operators so I'm thinking that whoever sabotaged the lights locked themselves in the power room also." I slowly nod, "They probably didn't want to raise panic so that's why they didn't tell us. I wouldn't be surprised though, if word got out about an incident like this it could ruin a bit of reputation for the schools." I furrow my brows, "But why would they be worried about that? It would only be a little bit." She nods, "That's true but I've met the principals of each school, they just care about bringing in students and money, that's pretty much the only thing they want." I awe, "How do you know so much about them both?" She giggles, "You can learn a lot by a persons actions, tone and expressions." She gives me an 'innocent' smile. "I wouldn't be surprised if people were out for the school though, there are some people who believe that it's a stuck up school system and only graduate snobby kids." I hum, "That's definitely not true." She nods and sighs, "Indeed but that's just how they think, even if they've never been here or met us." I sigh, "That's sad."

I didn't even notice we were on our house street, "When did we get here?!" I look around. Darling laughs, "While we were talking, we even said goodbye to the council- well I did." She gave a closed eyed smile. I sweatdropped, "Seriouslyyy.." I muttered making her laugh.

'What is this, Among Us?'

My Yandere Girlfriendحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن