Chapter 15

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Olivia had moped for days

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Olivia had moped for days. She could see herself falling into a pit. After a point, she couldn't deny the fact that she had developed feelings for someone who was off-limits. A feeling of guilt attached itself to all the time she spent with him.

When she thought about him she couldn't help but think about her mom. She couldn't understand why her mother would do such a terrible thing to Ethan's pack, and no matter what Olivia still believed that her mother was a good person and that she might have had a noble reason for her actions.

Olivia's regular day usually comprised of her arguments with Jill, although lately, the arguments had been turning into fights, and the situation had gotten worse. It led Olivia to think obsessively about her future, a future where she lived far away from her stepmother. Independence. She cried sometimes because she had no one to look after her. As the tears slipped down her cheeks they would turn from tears of sadness to tears of contempt. She saw their futility as she looked at herself in the mirror. Weeping would not resolve her any of her problems. She was the only person who could help herself.

So she started to plan her life, pondering primarily over two things- her financial status and relationship status. She had to move out of the house but she didn't have any money to forge her only dream into reality. She wanted to date but she felt like she was exhausted, and already too spent to lend her time to someone. However, she believed that things would get better in the future.

Her compulsive over-thinking self was on the verge of driving her into madness. The only thing that would fix it was organization. She needed to untangle all the threads from her mind and from her life, starting from the thread with her mother's name written on it.


The school bell rang indicating that the current class was over. Kaden was walking down the hallway with his guy friends when he saw Olivia gesture towards him to meet him in an empty classroom.

He quickly made up an excuse to separate from his friends and walked down towards the class where Olivia was. She immediately shut the door after he entered the room.

"Are you alright?" Kaden asked, a little concerned by the shut door.

Olivia grabbed his arm and dragged him near the window.

"I'm about to tell you something that is going to sound insane, but please, believe me, it is true." Olivia took a sharp breath in, while Kaden held his breath as she said everything in one go, "I am a witch. My mother was also a witch. I was kidnapped and almost killed by a werewolf. Then I was almost claimed by a werewolf. And now I need to go back to the place where I was almost killed for the second time because I need to retrieve something important."

"Woah! Slow down, Olivia." Kaden exclaimed. "You're going to explode at this rate."

"This is urgent!" She said throwing her hands in the air. "Wait, you don't think I'm mad? Do you believe me? Or maybe you do think I'm mad and you're acting calm so you can cleverly restraint me and send me to an asylum. Why would you do that to me, Kaden?"

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