Chapter 21

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Victor and Lillian settled in the house, arranging their belongings in the chosen rooms while Olivia gave them space to adjust, and Ethan willingly chose to stay out of their way. Victor had picked room far from Ethan and Olivia; and so did Lillian.

Olivia tried several times to talk to Lillian, but she failed at striking up a conversation with her. Both Lillian and Victor were not used to being far away from home, but they tried their best to adjust and adapt to the new place. After a few days, Olivia had given up on trying so hard and hoped that they would come around on their own.

After school, Olivia walked to the theater for the rehearsals. While walking she thought about her day. Nothing much had happened at school. She had a few quizzes and a presentation, both of which went well. Other than that, everybody at school was in an uproar after seeing a very public argument between the most popular guy in the school and the most popular girl. How they became popular, no one knows. Olivia couldn't care less. She was glad to be not noticed at school. It made her life easier. All she wanted was to graduate and to get into a good college.

The first person she noticed after walking into the building was none other than Ethan.

"What are you doing here?" she asked, surprised to see him inside the building.

"I am playing the role of the protagonist or did you forget that?" he said.

"It's antagonist, and no, I did not forget. I'm just surprised to see you here. I didn't expect you to take this job seriously."

"Neither did I, but I'm not gonna lie, it is pretty fun. And the people here like me. I guess the same can't be said for you." Ethan smirked.

Olivia scrunched her face while looking at him and left to go on the stage.

With the pages in their hand, Olivia and Ethan read their lines.

"The good angel promised me heaven. Alas! His promises so far seem so empty." Olivia read from the script, dramatizing her lines while standing in front of Ethan.

"Come on, Olivia!" Will, the rookie writer, said with frustration while watching the rehearsal with Sean, the rookie director. "We've been over this so many times! I think it's about time you channel your inner Sylvia Plath."

"What's the connection? She was a poet and had nothing to do with acting. Do you by any chance want me to 'be deep and intense' like she was?" Olivia asked.

"No." He replied with a straight face. "Kill yourself, so that we can finally get a better replacement for the role."

She had metaphorical smoke coming out of her ears due to anger. "Ugh, I hate him!" She said under her breath as Ethan watched with mirth filled in his eyes.

"Olivia, dear," Will said, "do you understand how difficult it is to write a script; to create original characters that have unique traits; scenes that are captivating; and dialogues that move the audience? When you give such a bad performance it makes me want to tear my eyes out. I can't imagine the bad reviews that I will get from the audience."

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