Chapter 17

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With the knife in his gloved hand, he stalked closer

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With the knife in his gloved hand, he stalked closer. His hand quivered. He was afraid of what he was about to do, but he had no choice. His legs shook with the thought of committing the murder of an innocent girl.

He stopped. Thinking that he wouldn't be able to live with himself after committing such a heinous act, he turned around and took a step away. But the image of his starving family flashed before his eyes. He and his mate were rogues. They were madly in love and didn't consider the consequences before running away together. Now, they had a daughter, but no food to feed her. He realized that he wasn't cut out for the real world; neither was his mate.

On the brink of extinction, Mico had found him by chance.

"I will take you in my pack. You will have a home. Your wife and daughter will have plenty of food to eat." Mico had said to him.

His eyes filled with happy tears, thinking that God must be kind to send a man like Mico into his life. However, the kindness faded and his dreams shattered when he learned that nothing in life is free. He had to murder an innocent girl to keep his daughter alive. For what reason, he did not know.
No, he could not let his family perish. He would complete the job and take the money, and never look back.

His feet moved with determination now, as if they had a mind of their own. The man passed several houses until he reached the area that was described by Mico, the food cart in front of the blue house. Two girls, who ate at the same place every day, stood there, chatting and laughing while the rest of the area seemed deserted.

All the children were in their houses while the adults had gathered around to watch the punishment of the perpetrator.

He saw the two girls. One girl was eating French fries out of the container while the other held a book in her hand- Julius Caesar- as she stood with her other hand on her waist.

The girls had just returned from a walk in the woods and were oblivious to the current events of the pack.

"You shouldn't take it," Lillian said monotonously, looking at the fries in her friend's hand.

"Oh come on! No one is here. How am I supposed to buy it when nobody is here to take the money?" She said. "Don't worry; I will pay for it later. But right now all I can think about are these fries. You should have some too."

"No thanks, I'm good," Lillian said, not bothering to eat. She couldn't wait to get back to her book.

"Where is everybody by the way? We go for one long walk and everybody disappears."

"I don't know," Lillian replied, thinking that something was odd. "Maybe they are having a meeting or something."

The man carefully watched the girls before walking towards them. His hand started quivering again as his eyes strayed from left to right, looking for witnesses. He remembered what Mico said. The murder needs to be watched by people. But he could not find anybody in his vicinity. Choosing to ignore the orders he walked ahead anyway, wanting it to be over. He wanted to finish the job and be home to his family as soon as possible.

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