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Riddhima: Vansh i..i..

Vansh: Why did you lie to me huh? Why did you tell me all that crap about insomnia and stuff...you thought there was no power that night, so nothing will be recorded?!After that day party when i knew someone played the music i had ordered to install the cctv's even in corrdiors and i even had backup in case power is out!! DID YOU REALLY THINK THAT YOUR WOULD-BE IS SOO DUMB?! Come on sweetheart you know me very well how could you miss that?

Riddhima: Vansh i am sorry i shouldn't have lied. I will explain everything. Your house is so big and out of curiosity i was exploring the house i didn't know that room was soo special for you..

Vansh: Really? but you seemed like a spy when you were very wonderfully opening that door and when that morning you heard me scolding Mrs.Dsouza i think you might have very well understood that i dont like people going there Riddhima!! and people learn from others mistakes but you seem to learn how to repeat the mistakes....ok tell me why did you run away, when you were just "exploring"?

Riddhima's pov: I should be calm like i am otherwise he will know i am lying...uff riddhima calm down and speak confidently..

Riddhima: Because i was scared that you would kill me.

Riddhima leaves the hall crying....

Vansh: Interesting...very interesting....

Vansh's pov: Naah sweetheart,I am not the one to believe such silly reasons, you are hiding something,your eyes seem like they are searching something all the time and very soon i will find what is that and when i find something trust me you are going to see my wrath on you until that day i will have an eye on you. ANGRE!

Angre: Yes boss.

Vansh: Keep an eye on her all the time and let me know if she does something unusual.

Angre: Ok boss, but we can deal with her how we deal with everyone right sir?

Vansh: Angre! She is going to be my wife and she is not like everyone!

SCENE 2: Riddhima wakes up next morning and finds kabir in her room.

Riddhima: Kabir?! what are you doing here?

Kabir: I am here to remind you of your mission Riddhima!

Riddhima: I remember kabir and i know what to do.

Kabir: Oh Really, because yesterday when i sneaked in the house to wish you, you were looking happy with this marriage and i didn't see you searching or trying to look for clues, you were so busy in the rituals right!

Riddhima: Kabir please stop, i am doing this all for you and right now Vansh has an eye on me all the time i need sometime and why are you behaving like this..

Kabir's pov: I need to act normal otherwise she is going to doubt me...

Kabir: Sorry Riddhima i didn't mean to behave like that, but i thought before the marriage if you find any strong evidence then you can be free from this place right?

Riddhima: oh! but i think for now you should leave before anyone watches you...

Kabir leaves...

Riddhima's pov: Oh god! For kabir to believe his plan is working i have to makeup some false clues or find something really but on the other hand this Vansh never leaves me alone...and yesterday i heard him speaking to Angre to keep an eye on me....i have to do something before both of them start doubting my intentions.

SCENE 3: Next morning, Riddhima comes down and sees Grandma and speaks to her.

Riddhima: Good morning Dadi.

Grandma: Good morning dear. I have to tell you something,there is something you need to know please dont disturb Vansh these 2 days dear, every year Vansh goes through hell these 2 days and as your going to be his wife try your best not to hurt him...

Riddhima's pov: Maybe i know why Vansh goes through hell these 2 days, I also go through the same, every year but i am sorry Vansh i might need to hurt you so that the peron who is Kabir's partner in your family comes out some or the other way....but trust me every thing will be alright soon...and for that i need to play that music again which hurts you the most, that music which reminds you your worst phase of life....

SCENE 4: Riddhima thinks about going to the room where the piano is kept but recalls Vansh's words about cctv.

Riddhima's pov: I need to go that room where the piano is kept....but wait Vansh told about the backup cctv even, I have to dress up like someone from this house so that Vansh doesn't doubt me and i have to hide my face.....( She dresses up like ishani and goes into the room hiding her face) i am sorry Vansh, its better that you are drunk and i know that you wouldn't recognise me and you think no one is in the house except you right now and even if you blame me i have alibi's that i was in the party with the family.

She starts playing the music and Vansh who is in the bar hears that and rushes into the room....riddhima hears the footsteps and starts running...

Vansh: Who is it come out in front of me!!she is dead, she can not be alive, i am dreaming she cant come back she is dead for me.......

Vansh sees a girl running and tries to catch her...

Vansh: You stoppp!!!!!! Whoever it is stop!!!!

Vansh trembles and falls down near the pool when he sees Riddhima's reflection in the water...

Vansh: Riddhimaaa......

He becomes unconcious....

Riddhima is running towards her room when someone pulls her by covering her face in a mask...

Riddhima is running towards her room when someone pulls her by covering her face in a mask

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