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SCENE 1: Vansh's head is still aching with all the alcohol

Vansh's pov: Damnn! This headache is literally killing me, these medicines also dont seem to reduce the pain.

Riddhima: What happened Vansh, are you alright?

Vansh: Yeah, just a little headache..

Riddhima: Doesn't seem like the headache is just little, should i help?.....leave why am i even asking, The Vansh Raisinghania doesn't need anyone's help right?

Vansh: Why do you always keep fighting with me? Anyway help me!

Riddhima: Vansh! where are your manners? Say please.

Vansh: You really like, enjoy seeing me helpless right? Fine. Please Riddhima help me.

Riddhima: Good. Turn around i will do an nice massage and the headache will go in a snap.

Vansh: Fine.

Riddhima massages Vansh's head and dadi(grandma) calls riddhima and she leaves.

SCENE 2: Dadi talks to riddhima.

Riddhima: Dadi, why did you call me and why are decorations going on.

Dadi: I called you for that only, since your and Vansh's wedding happened so fast, none of our friends and relatives could attend the wedding so i thought to arrange a reception for you both, so i called to give you some of our family jewellery.

Riddhima: Dadi, there is no need of that, i have a lot anyway i will wear them.

Dadi: No..no dear Vansh has personally requested me to give them to you and he will not like it if you dont take it.

Riddhima: Ok dadi as you wish.

Dadi: And dont worry, this jewellery is not for the party.

SCENE 3: Riddhima comes into the room.

Riddhima: Vansh, did you know about the reception?

Vansh: Yeah

Riddhima: You didn't even tell me! Now i have a lot of work i have to choose a dress and check the arrangements...

Vansh: Will you relax? Why are you so eager about arrangements in every party? There are soo many people to look after that....and coming to dress, you dont have to worry about that, i have a dress ready for you.....here take this...

Riddhima: Vansh, thanks its beautiful!

SCENE 4: Vansh and riddhima are meeting everyone in the party

Dadi: Vansh, did you tell her about what you feel.

Vansh: No dadi, not yet...

Dadi: Vansh, she is your wife, more how much time will you take to tell her that you love her, i think she also loves you Vansh, because i have seen how much worried she was when you were not found yesterday, its like she was dying, and i also saw the way she took care of you while you were drunk, Vansh girls are like this only, they never openly put out there love, but there love is seen in such little things they do, dont be anymore late and tell her

Vansh: You are right Dadi, i will tell her today.

Vansh: Riddhima, will you dance with me.

Riddhima: Sure.

They both dance and suddenly Vansh goes down on one knee

Riddhima: Vansh, what are you doing?

Vansh: Riddhima, since you have come into my life, you have changed it totally and i know under what circumstances we got married, but i hope that you will forgive me, if i have hurt you in anyway and try to make this marriage work.....I LOVE YOU RIDDHIMA......This is the first time i am proposing by going down on one knee,so if it went here and there i am really sorry. So what is your answer Riddhima...

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