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SCENE 1: Riddhima is in her room

Riddhima's pov: I think it's kabir's new plan! But how did he suddenly think about bringing in arohi! Damn it!

Dev comes in..

Riddhima: Dev, thank god you came..*closes the door* Did you find out anything about this girl?

Dev: Before i tell you that, i need you to know something...i know by now you got a doubt that how did Kabir suddenly think of bringing in Arohi..

Riddhima: Yes?!

Dev: It's because somehow Kabir knows that you, i mean Arohi is alive, and he somehow got this look alike!

Riddhima: How could he get to know that? If he has got to know about that, then definitely it must be from the hospital? My files are..

Dev: Don't worry, he came to collect the files, but somehow i misled, it happened 3 days ago, it has been handled!

Riddhima: Thanks dev! And did you find anything about this girl?

Dev: Yeah, i asked my friend, he told me that he will find the details in 2 days until then..

Riddhima: Until then we have to bear her!

Dev: Yeah!

Riddhima goes outside and talks to dadi

Riddhima: Where is this Arohi Dadi?

Dadi: She might be in her room..

Riddhima is about to leave.. but dadi stops her..

Dadi: I know dear, that you are feeling sad, that she has come back, but trust me Vansh loves you only! She was his past!

Riddhima: Dadi, don't worry i never doubt vansh, and i know that he only loves me! But there is something i need to settle with her!

Riddhima leaves

Dadi's pov: God! Help my children, whenever i think that all the problems in their life have come to an end, another problem enters! Give them strength dear lord!

Riddhima is on her way to the guest room, when she finds Arohi aka aanchal herself..

Arohi: Oh, hello! Never got a chance to meet you! I am Arohi, obviously you know that! Afterall you are the wife! Well i was on my way to meet Vansh, regarding the case, so if you will excuse me..

She is about to leave..when riddhima stops her..

Riddhima: Wait, you have given your introduction, now let me give you mine! I am Riddhima Vansh Raisinghania! It will be good that if you get that in your head and i know you are not Arohi! Soon i will find out who you are and in no time you will be out of this house! And tell your partner Kabir, that don't play such cheap tricks! And i will tell you the same, what i have told him, Vansh is my husband and i will go to any extent to protect him and i dare you to hurt him! I swear the moment you hurt him, that will be last day of yours! And remember one thing , If i get to know your truth, you will be out of this house, but if Vansh gets to know the truth, he will simply kill you, and trust me when i say that, because Vansh hates people who betray him...

Arohi: Don't worry about that, i will also escape somehow just like you did, after all you are also betraying him right?!

Riddhima leaves and aanchal calls kabir..

Aanchal: Kabir, does this riddhima know that arohi is alive?

Kabir: What? No! She doesn't know anything about Arohi, she only knows that Arohi is Vansh's ex-girlfriend thats it! She doesn't know anything else! Why?

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