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SCENE 1: Vansh is about to call...

Riddhima's pov: If vansh comes to know the truth, he will never be able to love again and he will also feel betrayed! God, vansh has already has faced so many betrayals and losses in his life, please, do something.....

Vansh: Finally you picked up the call sir! I wanted to talk to you about a case which you handled a few years ago...

Vansh talks with the police officer.... and after a while he cuts the call

Vansh: Riddhima! Apparently he was not handling the case....

Riddhima: Maybe, i dont remember the face that well, vansh forget about it!

Vansh: Sweetheart! let me complete! He didn't handle the case, but he did know about the case, according to him, that day two cases came in...both were accidents, but one of them was dead....

Riddhima: Then maybe, the police officer you asked thought that i was that another girl and maybe told you i was dead....now you have proof!?

Vansh: Yeah you are right! maybe he has mistaken you for another girl!

Riddhima: Vansh, if you have any questions about my past ask me, so that you dont have to search for answers, if you ask me i will answer you directly....

Vansh: Dont think, i investigated because i dont trust you, its because i didn't want you to feel uneasy...

Riddhima: Vansh, i will never feel uncomfortable around you...

Vansh: Ok, i have some work, i may come late....

Vansh leaves and meets angre...

Vansh: Did you check the cctv footage near the orphanage....

Angre: I did sir, but it was of no use, since mam was kidnapped near the back door where cctv was not working....

Vansh: Damn it!!

SCENE 2: Riddhima is in the kitchen when kabir sneaks in...

Kabir: Riddhima are you alright!

Riddhima: What are you doing here?! And why are showing me this fake care huh? When you were the one who did this, i know you hate me because i know your truth, but how could you stoop this low and try to kill me?! You know i shouldn't have cared about the consequences and told vansh that you were the one who kidnapped me, and the next minute your corpse would have been lying on the floor!

Kabir: Darling! how could you think so low of me? I would never try to hurt you after all i love you remember?! and i appreciate your wifey behaviour!! You got to know so much about your husband in such a short time! Kudos to you Mrs. Vansh Raisinghania!! In fact i am also curious just like you, that who could have kidnapped my girlfriend!

Riddhima: Not your girlfriend, but Vansh's wife, you were my past kabir and i have moved on from your betrayal...and dont try to fool me again, because i am not the riddhima once i used to be, that riddhima would have believed you by now, but i will not believe you! I know you were the one who did this, so just go away!!

Kabir leaves...

Riddhima's pov: Was it really not kabir? Wait, if it was not kabir who could it be?! I have no enemies right now except Kabir and siya right now and its not siya because that day only she left to London for her studies....and kabir is telling that it was not him....then who is the person who is trying to hurt me? And today Vansh was so close to my truth, i need to speed up my plan and reveal my truth to him as soon as possible before he finds out, because i know if he himself finds out the truth, then not even that god can save me! And according to my plan, the next phase is to make him remember arohi, so that he pours out his heart and tells me the whole truth and this time he will be sober and slowly make him forget about the betrayal...and i need to make him understand her point of view......It turns out sometimes you have to do the wrong thing. Sometimes you have to make a big mistake to figure out how to make things right. Mistakes are painful, but they're the only way to find out who we really are.....

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