Search for a Witch

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It had only been a week since Alastor had heard that a new deer demon had arrived in Hell, but right now he was a little frustrated because she seemed to have vanished off somewhere.

It isn't that hard to find a green deer demon after all. Her appearance makes her stand out like a sore thumb in Hell. Just looking around for her won't be enough. And he wasn't the only one.

Apparently, some overlords were looking for her too. Just today, Valentino had offered a reward in millions for the demon who could bring her to him.

He's gonna have to find her before any lowly sinner did. Isn't it right for a woman to be protected from such unwanted advances? And he could provide such a thing.


Artemisia had to be careful going out around into the city when she needed supplies for the house. And it wasn't just because there was a bounty for her to be brought to some sexist demon moth.

Apparently, her wealth followed her to Hell, and she had too many family titles and money than she knew what to do with it.

Including Avery, Carrow, Flint, Bulstrode, Parkinson, Selwyn, Nott, Travers, and Yaxley, who were all foolish enough to try to become Dark Lords and overthrow the savior of the Wizarding World, but she let them keep their lives rather than letting them die and they were taken to Azkaban.

And when she won against Voldemort for good, she also gained access to the Gaunt, Slytherin, Cadimus' vault, and Riddle, even though the latter was a muggle family. These on top of her triumph against Quierrel and Lockheart in her first and second years.

In addition, some like Slughorn, Flamel, Sr. Crotch, and even Dumbledore himself before he died, willed all their fortunes to her since they had no heirs or all their offspring died in the Second War.

So in summary from what she got in wealth:

Avery: 587,000,000 Galleons

Carrow: 420,000,000

Flint: 360,000,000

Bulstrode: 354,000,000

Parkinson: 780,000,000

Selwyn: 239,000,000

Nott: 485,000,000

Travers: 471,000,000

Yaxley: 654,000,000

Slughorn: 11,875,000,000

Flamel: 800,000,000,000,000

Crouch: 721,653,000,000

Dumbledore: 570,000,000,000

Slytherin: 40,000,000,000

Gaunt: 376,000,000,000

Cadimus Vault: 5,300,000,000

Riddle: 44,986,500 British Pounds

Quierrel: 55,000,000

Lockheart: 70,000,000

And this was on top of her heritage being not only a Potter, Black from her godfather and Peverell, she was also somehow a Gryffindor, and Pendragon on her dad's side, and a Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, and LeFay on her mom's side. It was a mystery how, but the goblins believed that Lily's family once had magic centuries ago, had somehow vanished, and came back with Lily.

Finally, according to the Right of Magical Inheritance, Hazel also got Merlin Emry's wealth.

Potter: 670,000,000 Galleons

Black: 893,000,000

Peverell: 600,000,000,000

Anitoch vault: 32,000,000,000

Ignotius vault: 67,000,000,000

Gryffindor: 424,000,000,000

Pendragon: 972,000,000,000

Ravenclaw: 315,000,000,000

Hufflepuff: 308,000,000,000

LeFay: 11,732,300,000,000

Emrys: 908,475,583,700,000

As a result, she was the head Lady/Duchess of 26 magic families and one muggle family with countless money in Galleons with the magic families, along with the Riddle wealth being converted to her wealth, she was easily sought after.

Fang even warned her if her status as of her human life were to be leaked out, there would be absolute chaos. She could be the face to start the first International conflict in Hell. He also said half her wealth could buy all of Hell and make Lucifer her errand boy.

She could be a ticket to a life of luxury, leisure, and possibly a conquest of Hell since the she-deer wasn't bad for demons to look at.

She shivered at that.

Back to now, she was jumping across the rooftops in a dark green turtleneck shirt, and black jeans. She thought that this would be a way to avoid unnecessary attention cause what demon would check the rooftops of the buildings. Course with her being on the run for a year, she had to be creative and stick to the shadows.

She also made sure to be out during the night.

Now she was close to her destination, a quiet apothecary. She sought to have the owner be an ally to her and to provide them protection like she did for Fang.

Their name was Ivy Leaf. A plant demoness, but the only crime she did was a murder in self defense when she was gonna be raped. She also used to be a doctor/psychiatrist as a human.

She actually agreed to supply Artemisia with her plants for potions since she was also an avid horicultralist. And she needed protection from a lowly overlord who had been bothering her for some time now.

With some magic, Artemisia was able to move the apothecary into her mansion's area.

But the Radio Demon saw the whole thing, and knew were she would be.

The forest outside town, but not the one he claimed.

Alastor did find the place, but before he could take a step further, he found himself being blocked off. He reached and felt an invisible wall. But he had seen the Plant and Reptile demons go past this way.

Maybe a barrier that keeps out demons who aren't seen as allies?


But he had a good view of the mansion, apothecary and another building which looks like a small factory.

This won't do. He's so close and yet the barrier was keeping him from going any further.

He'll have to catch the doe outside the area.

But such a thing is easier said than done.
Now, should a year pass for the potions to be big buisness?

How should Alastor finally meet Artemisia?

Give me details!

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