Overlord Gathering

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It was another typical day at Artemisia's mansion. Her other compatriots were at the mansion as well, since it was a day off for all of them, which was rare. 

By now, Arachniss and Ivy both became new overlords of their respective professions, and they had shared the same territories with Art, but they decided not to expand too much. As Art would say, it'll draw unnecessary attention.

Art was looking through her letters for requests, and then she came across one from the King of Hell himself. 

Apparently, it was an invite to an upcoming Overlord Gathering in a few days, mostly to acknowledge Arachniss, Ivy, and her as new overlords after holding their titles for a year. They were also allowed to bring a guest if they wanted.

Despite not wanting to go, Art knew she'd have to or be dragged there.

Not like they could.

Plus, there's a chance that radio buck will be there too. He'll annoy her to no end!


It was the night of the gathering, and Art and her group had arrived at the gathering at Lucifer's palace. Arachniss brought Pentious to his joy, Ivy decided to have Molly as her companion, and Art had Fang as her escort.

The men of the group all wore standard tuxedos, though Fang's was custom-made thanks to Art since it was hard for a lizard demon his size to find a tux that fits.

Ivy was wearing a dark green dress with ruffles at the dress's skirt to resemble foliage, Molly had a light pink cotton dress to wear, and Art wore a Victorian-style gothic black ballgown dress, making her look more regal. 

As the group of six made it into the ballroom where the gathering was, all eyes were on them.

"Hey, that's the Emerald Witch."

"No, kidding? She does look similar to the Radio Demon. Except calmer."

"She's also got lizard muscle. Is he her bodyguard or something?"

"My uncle Max got whacked by one of those."

"Hey that's Arackniss. I heard his old was knocked off and he became the new Crime Overlord."

"Is that Pentious? I heard he's been steadily getting back in power."

"One of the other gals is the Toxic Plant Demon, Ivy Leaf. The other is Arachniss' sister. Wonder how they all got into the Witch's circle."

Artemisia sniffed to herself as she and her group went to an area of the ballroom where there was a delicious spread.

Then felt a certain pair of eyes on her.

Of course, it was the Radio Demon's.

"Fancy seeing you here, darling. Then again, it is a celebration in honor of your achievements!" Then he leaned into her ear. "Although, I haven't forgotten about the little stunt you pulled on me in the forest." He spoke with a little static in his voice.

"What? Do you plan to take revenge on me? It would be unseemly to do so in this setting after all. It'll ruin the party and Lucifer would be most upset." Artemisia reminded him. "If you want payback, at least wait until this whole event is over." She said as she got some red champagne.

"Why I would never do such a thing to a lady, especially a respectable one. My mother did teach me better than that after all." Alastor laughed.
Through the whole event, Alastor wouldn't leave Artemisia alone. Getting in her personal space, keeping her close to his hip, even dragging her to the dance floor till she couldn't dance anymore. Thankfully she was able to keep up with him.

Alastor kept to Artemisia's side throughout the party, even when Lucifer and Lilith greeted her. For some reason, his thoughts became swamped with thoughts of the green doe. Wanting nothing more than to wisk her back to his home and assurt his dominance over her. When she lead him on that chase, he felt excited rather than angered.

He wondered if it was a natural instinct in him because they were both deer demons.

He was more fascinated by the minute.
After the event was over Alastor found Artemisia leaving with her group, and Alastor managed to catch up with her.

"My dear, if it's not too much trouble, I would appreciate it if you'd like to have lunch with me tomorrow."

Artemisia look surprised. "...Like a date?"

"I'm not sure what to call it either, but I would a casual chat over a meal, if you'd like."

".....Alright. But just this once."

Famous last words.

Especially with the Radio Demon.
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