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They take their time over the meal and talk. "I don't want our relationship to be just about sex. I will need you to tell me when I mess up. I have a hard time relating to people due to my father's loving approach to fatherhood. I don't read minds and I'm sure that I'll hurt you unintentionally and I won't even realize it. So, please let me know so that I can learn from my mistakes." John tells her nervously. He's never bothered being nervous before around females, probably has something to do with not seeing them. But he does want his relationship with Whitney to work out and so he is doing everything he can to build a strong foundation.

He just hopes that the way they met won't mean the foundation will be too weak to withstand the pressures of a committed relationship.

He already knows that their relationship won't be a normal one. There is nothing normal about any of it. He can't think of any girl that would be okay with him having a relationship with his brother that most people would condemn and also be willing to be said brother's mistress.

He and his brother have shared everything in the past and hopes that sharing Whitney won't prove to be a problem now.

"That's something I'll try to remember, John. You'll need to have patience with me though, since it was a rule violently enforced to not question or talk to those over you. No matter what you may say, you owned me, even if it was just long enough to free me. I will forever see you as being my superior. I know that isn't how you want me to see you and I'll try to overcome that training." Whitney looks down and fights the tears at her words. 

This whole day has been surreal. It still hasn't sunk in that she is free and isn't sure just how much she can believe it to be. She hopes that it will be easier to believe in the morning.

John raises his hand to caress her face and she flinches back from it.

John's eyes open wide, shocked at her action. "Whitney?"

"I'm sorry, John. I know you won't hurt me, it's just..." Whitney can't hold back the tears any longer.

That makes John leave his seat and go over to her. He pulls her into his arms. "It's okay. It won't be easy to deprogram what has been programmed into you for so long. My father's technique was very brutal, I know. I'll do my best to be patient with you if you promise to be patient with me as well." Whitney nods to his whispered words.

"Part of Michael's job will be to protect you from me. When I get angry, I lose control and go after every one. The only one that will be safe for sure will be Michael. I don't know if I'll recognize you in time or not and I'm not willing to risk you. So if Michael suddenly wishes to pull you out of a room or situation and you don't know why, just go with him, it will be for your safety.

"Did you notice him backing up when we were in his room and you were upset?"

"Yes," Whitney whispers.

"He'd never seen me so upset and wasn't sure that he wouldn't be hurt that time. So don't hesitate no matter how dangerous the situation is you are leaving me in. Promise me?" John makes her look at him as she gives him her promise. John nods and takes her back over to his room.

"We won't have sex again until you are comfortable being with me on your own terms. Just know that it won't take much to get me on board." John says giving her a small smile.

"Why wouldn't I be comfortable having sex with you? You were my best lover ever. I thoroughly enjoyed our time together earlier today." Whitney tells him just before she kisses him. "I was hoping there would be an encore tonight."

John doesn't need any more of an invitation and takes control. He makes sure that her back doesn't get irritated by having her on top, other than that it was much like earlier. 

Whitney falls asleep on top of him and feels safe for the first time since her father was killed. It was perhaps the best birthday she's ever had. At least of the ones that she can remember, definitely since her father died. Those were the last thoughts she has as she falls asleep.

Whitney is awakened by the bed moving.

"Shh, Whitney, go back to sleep. I just didn't want to be alone tonight." Michael tells her as she looks up to find out why the bed moved.

Michael gives her a kiss. That just wakes her up fully and before long all three of them are fully awake.

"Make sure she gets enough sleep. We kept her up pretty late last night." Michael tells John as he slips out of the bed to get ready for school.

"She can tell us apart. She only met us earlier yesterday and can already tell us apart. I think that she is the only one that can." John tells Michael sleepily.

Michael stops getting dressed as he looks at his brother and mistress on the bed. "You sure?"

"Yep, she never gets it wrong either. When we get home today you can join us in the shower. She'll know which one is touching her and what not."

Michael gets a mischievous look on his face. "Well, how can I turn down such a lovely invitation?" Then he looks at his brother, "Are you sure that you are okay with sharing her with me? If it ever gets too difficult let me know and I'll break it off with her."

"She was fine with the suggestion. As long as she is and I don't have issues we'll continue. If either of us have problems we'll go over it once more. You should get going, you are already going to be late."

"I won't be going to school today. I have to much to do." Michael scoffs. "I'll make sure that we are all excused though." Michael waves as he leaves by the secret passage.

Now that he's awake John is very aware of Whitney being on top of him. He also remembers that he hadn't used any condoms the night before. He hopes that it won't be a problem. He'll have to make sure that he stocks up on them, especially if Michael will be joining them during the night like he did last night.

"John?" Whitney wakes up and says sleepily.

"Go back to sleep, love. Michael and I wore you out last night."

"Hell ya you did. It was incredible." Whitney smirks at John as she can feel him. "You ready to go again?"

"You aren't too tired?" John does his best to keep the hope out of his voice.

"Nah uh." Is all Whitney says as she starts kissing him.

Soon John is carefully turning her onto her back and makes sure that she is screaming out her pleasure.

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