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Carmen races through the halls looking for John and Michael. She sees them and runs to them as fast as she can calling for them. They look at her just as she races up to them and John catches her in his arms so she doesn't run into the wall.

"Carmen, what's wrong?" Michael demands of his girlfriend.

"Sheila and her minions came in while we were finishing in the restroom. Whitney distracted them so I could get out. She sent me to find you." Carmen pants out as she's trying to get her breath back. She doesn't know how Whitney never seems to get out of breath. She'll have to ask her later.

Both boys take off once they find out which restroom Whitney is in.

John wants to go in, but Michael manages to get him to stay back while he goes in.

Whitney smirking at them isn't what the girls are expecting and this makes them a bit nervous. One of the girls sidles on out of the bathroom. What Sheila has planned for Whitney isn't right, just because she got the guy Sheila wanted.

The other's don't realize that their numbers have shrunk by one and move in a bit closer.

This just makes Whitney outright smile. She hasn't had a decent workout since John gave her her freedom last week.

She prepares herself and therefor isn't surprised when Sheila has one of her sheep rush her.

Whitney merely side steps and lets the sheep run into the wall she was going to ram Whitney into. The force of her hitting the wall was enough to knock her unconscious. She slides down to the floor and is out.

That leaves Sheila with two friends and herself.

Angered Sheila motions for the others to converge on Whitney. 

Whitney yawns bored with the slow attack.

Seeing this the others move forward to attack.

Whitney crouches down and the two of them hit their heads together and aren't able to see because of the pain. Then she trips one of them up.  Two down and one to go before the queen bitch.

The girl shakes off her pain and comes after her and Whitney slugs her. One shot and she's down.

About that time is when Michael comes into the restroom.

"Michael, you do realize that this is the girls bathroom, right?" Whitney says sarcastically.

Michael takes a look around before smirking and answering Whitney, "Yeah, I'm well aware of this being the girls bathroom. The boys bathroom doesn't smell nearly as nice. The stalls are bigger in here as well, makes for more room to fuck."

"You are such a dick, Michael." Whitney tells him. She hadn't taken her eyes off of Sheila once.

When Sheila moves Whitney moves faster. Grabbing Sheila's arm she twists it around Sheila's back and holds it in a lock. Sheila stands as still as she can, the pain is intense.

"Sheila, why the hell are you messing with mine and John's girlfriends?" Michael asks casually as Whitney holds Sheila in place. He forces her to look at him.

"You are mine, not Whitney's." Sheila spits out.

"Not even close, bitch. Your father wanted a marriage to make a merger between our companies, but I turned it down. I told him I would rather all our businesses go down in flames than tie myself to a whore like yourself. I then went on to tell him about how you've slept with or had sexual acts with all the boys in school. Well, all but John that is. I believe John's response to your propositioning him was, 'get your filthy hands off me bitch.' or something similar." Michael had rather enjoyed John's recounting of that encounter that had happened the day before their lives all changed, for the better.

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