Chapter Twenty two

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"So wait, my dad's been blaming you this entire time?" Jade asked, sitting beside Beck on the back of a truck with an upset expression. "For crying out loud, he needs to find a better hobby. I'm surprised that my mom didn't bite his head off."

"Well, that's kinda your job." Beck joked, smiling genuinely for the five hundredth time tonight. None of them had ever seen him so happy.

"Plus, we figured Ms West was trying to be nice to us and biting someone's head off sounds kinda morbid." Cat pointed out.

"What I can't believe is that you actually believed him." Jade replied. "I mean after what you did, there's no doubt that you did everything you could to save me."

"Huh?" Beck asked. Jade gave him a quizzical look. "I...I did something to save you?"

"Do you not remember?" Jade asked. "If I hadn't stopped you, you'd be dead."

"What?" Beck asked. "What...what did I do? How did I try to save you?"

"Does everyone else wanna know, or can I just tell my boyfriend?" Jade asked passive-aggressively, looking as though she felt claustrophobic.

"I mean, if you told the rest of us, it would be great." Tori said.  Jade gave her the stink eye.

"Did I ask you?" She asked. Tori rolled her eyes. Yep, Jade was definitely feeling like herself again.

"We would appreciate it if you told the rest of us." Andre said, to which Jade sighed and said,


"Let's start with when we were driving to Beck's place." She said. "We were discussing the show, Tori was being annoying, Cat thought that a baby deer was a dog. For some reason, an idiot driver decided to come onto our side of the road. Everyone started screaming. Cat, Tori, and I yelled Beck's name. He tried to turn in order to get out of the way, but he only turned so that Tori and my side of the car was facing the driver. That was when..." she looked at Beck. "You unbuckled your seatbelt and threw yourself on top of me. If I had let you stay like that, the car would have hit you directly in the head, and you would have died. So, I yelled 'Beck, you Idiot!' and shoved you out of my lap. You landed in your seat and put both of your hands on the steering wheel. Then, the collision happened. My seatbelt got caught on the door, so my right arm got the full impact." She said, examining the bandages on her right arm.

"And then..." Beck said, looking like he was remembering something. "Your seatbelt snapped. You fell into my lap. I grabbed you, and I also grabbed that handle above my window. Then the car started flipping...and when I woke up, we were both on the roof of the car. You woke up for a brief moment, and then went unconscious. You've been out ever since." Jade nodded.

"It's kinda stupid that you believed my dad." She pointed out. "You'd think you knew yourself...but I'm just glad that you know the truth now." She pulled Beck into a kiss.

And everything was finally perfect again.

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