Chapter nine

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"He's really not taking this too well, is he?" Andre asked, taking a bite of his teriyaki chicken. The hospital cafeteria was definitely a preferable place to eat lunch, when it came to the noise, at least.

Tori shook her head, sighing. "I know he'd feel much better if he could just remember the events of the crash." She admitted. "He was the only one who saw what happened to Jade, other than Jade herself. If we can somehow help him remember, he can know that he did do something to try and help her, you know he would."

"Only problem is, he doesn't believe that he did this time." Andre sighed. "I've been friends with Beck for years, now. He's never been known to just do nothing when his friends are in danger...I think that that may be one of the main things that's scaring him. He's afraid that he let Jade get hurt."

"Beck wouldn't do that." Robby nodded, but then Rex rang in his own opinion.

"I would."

"Did any of us ask your opinion?" Tori asked Rex, to which he replied,

"No, but it doesn't mean it isn't important." Tori rolled her eyes. There was no reasoning with Rex.

"Do you know if he's talked to his parents, yet? Maybe they could help." Andre suggested, trying to get back on topic.

"With the amount of girls that have been visiting Beck, there's no chance for his parents to talk to him." Tori said, and this time it was Andre who rolled his eyes. "But I don't know." Tori added. "His dad's still not too fond of Jade since the whole Rottweiler incident."

"I'm surprised he's not mad at you, too. You were technically the one handling the dog." Rex said. Tori gave him an icy stare.

"Not. Helping."

"Come on, let's focus." Andre suggested. "What could we do to help Beck recall the events of the crash?"

"We could try waiting a few more days." Robbie suggested. "The doctors said that his memories should come back to him eventually."

"Yeah, but how long is eventually?" Tori asked. "It could be hours, it could be months!! And I hate seeing Beck like this!!!"

"We might have to wait, though." Robbie pointed out. "The only way to make Beck feel better other than to get his memories back is to know what really happened to Jade. And Jade would be able to tell us that. When she wakes up, that is."

"How long has it been, anyways?" Andre asked.

"About a week and a half." Tori groaned. "I mean, if you were right about the time when we were admitted into the hospital, we were trapped in the car around three hours after the crash. If the crash alone didn't knock Jade out, sitting on the roof of the car next to red-hot metal and fire for three hours would have also done the trick."

"Let's hope that she does wake up, though." Robbie said, causing Tori and Andre to turn to him.

"What do you mean, Robbie? Of course she's gonna wake up. Jade's fought things tougher than this coma, and sent them home crying to their mommies." Tori pointed out.

"Well yeah, but didn't you say yourself that the doctor told you that the latter of coma patients don't wake up?" Andre asked. "Jade could be in the coma for years, and still never wake up, Tori. She can't fight something if she's not conscious."

"...she's got to." Was all that Tori said before looking at her plate. "Not only for Beck, but for all of us. I mean seriously, what would Hollywood Arts be like without Jade around?"

"It would certainly feel like something was missing." Robbie nodded.

"Why? Because someone's not yelling and chasing someone around the school the whole day?" Rex asked.

"That was one time." Andre argued. "And in Jade's defense, Cat did accidentally wax her eyebrows off."

"Still..." Rex said, causing Tori to get fed up and just shove an apple in his mouth so that he stopped talking.

"They're saying that they're probably gonna let Beck go home in a few days." Tori added. "You guys should take him somewhere, maybe get his mind off of the crisis at hand and try to get him to recall more."

"Like where?" Andre asked. "there's barely anywhere in Los Angeles that Beck has gone without Jade." He pointed out. "Even going to that veterinarian outside of town or going to see Mason Thornesmith will spark memories and just make him feel worse."

"So then take him to see a show. He loves theater." Tori suggested.

"It's gonna be just our luck that the only shows playing are those dramatic shows that honestly could be Grey's Anatomy rip-offs." Robbie said. "Remember the incident when we took Sikowitz to see that show and we thought that we seriously put him into a sort of depression?"

"So just don't be a Tori and check the website to see what the show's about!" Tori snapped.

Robbie held up his hands defensively. "All right, geez..."

"Maybe we can just hang at my place and watch a musical or two or work on some songs." Andre suggested. "Although my grandma might call me to tell me that the government is trying to spy on her again."

"Why would she think that?" Robbie asked.

"Her radio makes static when it's not connected well." Andre replied. "she says that it's the government hacking into her radio and attempting to brainwash her."

"At least your grandma's not yelling at you cause she thinks that you're dating Cat." Robbie said. "Not like I wouldn't date her, it's just...she doesn't do well with criticism, and my mamaw's the most critical person I know, possibly even more so than Jade."

Tori turned back to Andre. "I think that going to your house would be a great idea." She said, getting back on topic once again. "You all can watch Hamilton, or Wicked, or something from that one playlist on YouTube that you showed me, or you could work on a song. Beck's usually really focused on the acting or the music when he's occupied with something like that."

"Do you know when you and Cat may be able to come home?" Robbie asked. "We've been missing you in Sikowitz's. None of the shruggers want to do any scenes, so it's always me and Andre that have to do them."

"Probably next week. Cat's still getting the hang of her crutches, and the doctors want to make sure that everything's okay with us before we leave." She looked at her watch. "Speaking of which, I should probably get back to my room. I'll chat with you guys later about the homework for Sikowitz."

"Sounds good." Andre replied, and Tori said goodbye to him, Robbie, and Rex before walking down the hall towards her room.

Before she got to her room, however, she heard a voice calling behind her.

"Tori! Hey, Tori!!" Tori turned around to see a nine-year-old boy with curly hair running after her.

"Hey, Liam." She replied with a smile. "What's going on?"

"Beck told me that he wanted me to get you and Cat." Liam replied. "He says he remembers a bit more."

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