Chapter Two

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Tori recalled that one scene that she had done in Sikowitz's class with Andre a few months ago. The scene had been of a doctor and a woman who was about to go into surgery. That had also been the scene when Sikowitz screamed "Boo" in her face to teach them about method acting. But now that she had been though this, she was happy that it was just a scene and that she didn't really have to be in a hospital, knowing her life could depend on what the doctors tried to do to save her. She would take Sikowitz screaming "Boo" in her face over this, any day.

At first, Tori didn't even know that she was in the hospital, truth be told. She thought that she was just asleep. The first thing that she noticed as she began to regain consciousness was Trina's annoying little voice babbling on the phone with somebody. Tori had wanted to say, "Trina, go annoy some big record label dude on the phone somewhere else, I'm trying to sleep." But due to the fact that she was still half asleep, it sounded more like "Tleena, go annoy zome bigrecord laple dude onthe foe zomewere elf. M tryin' ta zleep."

The second thing that Tori noticed was that after she finished talking, pain slowly made itself known throughout her body. Her skin felt as though it had been forced through a paper shredder, and her head was still pounding. She couldn't even feel her right arm, and the feeling she did still have in the rest of her body was nothing but pain. Some sort of needles were in her left wrist. She hated needles.

The third thing could have been the weirdest. When she opened her eyes, it was nothing but bright lights and fuzzy images. Had she died? No, Tori didn't think that heaven smelled like blood and chemicals and medical stuff. The possibility came to her that this could be what waking up from a freak accident felt like. But...what freak accident had she been in? Had Jade finally beaten her up and put her in the hospital? Can you press charges against someone if you wake up from some sort of coma?, Jade hadn't beaten her up. In fact, Tori remembered that Jade had been with her the night of the play. The car crash!!! All the memories of that night came flooding back to her. Jade, Cat, and Beck had been in the car with her!!! Were they all right, or in the hospital like her? Or worse...

As the sounds and images around Tori began to come together to a point where they made sense, Tori worried about her friends. What if they hadn't made it? Were they okay? She remembered seeing Cat when she was last conscious. There had been tiny cuts all over her skin that made it look as red as her hair. Tori hoped that Cat was all right. She hadn't seen Beck or Jade when she woke up after the crash. She did, however, remember that Jade had been sitting in front of  her. Meaning that her side had also been the side that got hit. Beck, being the driver, may also have been banged up from a crash that nasty, if it affected Cat that much and her side wasn't even the one that was hit. She hoped that Beck and Jade were all right, too.

The first word that Tori could hear somewhat clearly came from a voice that could only belong to Trina.

"Tori? Tori, did you say something?" Trina's face came into focus at the lefthand side of Tori's bed. She saw her parents standing beside Trina, further away from Tori. "Hey, are you okay?" Trina asked. "How many fingers am I holding up?" She held up four fingers inches from Tori's face.

"I'm not in the mood to play the 'how many fingers' game, Trina." Tori answered, her voice sounding slurred, as if she were drunk.

"Andre called." Trina added, motioning to her phone. "He's worried about you. He wants to know if you feel okay."

"Not really." Tori said. "I mean, not gonna lie, I feel like garbage."

"Huh..." Trina said, putting the phone back to her ear. "Yeah, she's awake now. Uh huh, she said she feels like garbage."

"Trinaaaaa," Tori whined. "Just tell Andre I'll call him back when I'm feeling better, or that he can visit later."

Her expression going a bit pouty, Trina put her phone to her ear and said, "yeah, Tori's not feeling great. She said she'd call you when she's feeling better. Or that you can visit later. Uh huh. Okay, I will. Bye." Trina hung up the phone. "He says get well soon." She said to Tori, before putting her phone in her pocket.

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