Chapter twenty

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Mr. West, Tori, and Andre just stood there, staring at Jade with their mouths hanging open. Jade stared back. No doubt about it, Jade was awake.

"Care to explain why you're yelling at Andre and Tori? Cause last I checked, only I'm allowed to do that." Jade said, frowning at her dad. "Oh, and by the way, I heard everything. What's this about moving me from Hollywood Arts?"

"You're...awake." Her father whispered. "We've got to get the doctor!!!" He turned to leave, but Jade snapped her fingers at him.

"Hey, no one's getting anyone until we get a few points across." Jade retaliated. Mr. West, although a bit agitated, nodded and stood there. "First," Jade began, "what's this about moving me from Hollywood Arts?"

"I'm simply trying to keep you safe." Her father replied. "I don't want another accident happening where there's a worse outcome."

"Do you know how stupid you sound right now?" Jade asked. "Accidents can happen anywhere. You can't just go blaming Hollywood Arts for the stupidity of a drunk driver. And we all know the real reason you want me out of Hollywood Arts. You think theater, and singing, and everything else, as well as everyone who does it, is stupid."

"That's not the only-"

"Am I wrong?"

Mr. West didn't answer. He only huffed and crossed his arms, not daring to look at Jade.

"That's what I thought." Jade said. "So now, I'm gonna tell you what's gonna happen. You are gonna go back to Hollywood Arts and get me back into that school. And you will do so without any tricks, if you ever want any chance of me speaking to you again."

You could practically see the smoke coming out of Mr. West's ears. Tori had to hold back her laughter at how well Jade just owned her father.

Nevertheless, Mr. West only nodded, and once he was sure that Jade had nothing else to say to him, exited the room. This left Jade, Tori, and Andre. Jade looked at the show being set up on the TV. When she saw Beck onstage, talking with the bass guitarist, she smiled, almost sadly.

"A performance for me..." she said to herself. "Featuring a song that Beck wrote." She looked at Andre and Tori. "That's what you said, right?"

Andre nodded. "We...didn't think you'd be awake to see it." He admitted. "We should get the doctors. They need to know that you finally woke up."

"No." Jade said, her voice stern. "I'll tell you what you should, and will, do. I don't care if you have to rip these IVs from my arms. I don't care if you two get arrested for kidnapping me from the hospital. But you two are going to get me out of this hospital and to Hollywood Arts for that concert tonight."

Tori and Andre stood there, speechless. Had Jade lost her mind?? She looked dead serious; she wanted to go to that concert. After about three minutes of silence, Andre finally spoke again.


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