Chapter Six

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Tori had never seen a man as composed as Jade's father lose his cool so fast. Two minutes before Beck said a word, he was stern, so calm that it was scary, and composed. But as soon as the last word left Beck's mouth, he absolutely exploded.

"What business do you think you have talking to me like that, young man?!" He screeched. "Do you have no respect to take responsibility for your actions?!" He was breathing deeply and slowly, trying to calm himself down. "I warned Adira. I warned her not to send Jade to Hollywood Arts. But noooo, she had to send Jade to Hollywood Arts and then let her get a boyfriend that caused her to end up in a coma!!!"

"I'm sorry, hang on..." Tori said gently, getting in between Beck and Mr. West. She could tell from Beck's expression that he wasn't taking Mr. West's accusations very well. His face was stern, and he was breathing slowly and deeply. He was either extremely angry and about to explode himself, or he was feeling so guilty that he was trying not to break down. She had to break this up. "How exactly is it Beck's fault that Jade's in a coma?" She asked.

"How is it Beck's fault? HOW IS IT BECK'S FAULT?!!!" He yelled, causing Tori to understand where Jade got her stage projection. "Beck was driving the car! Beck was the one who crashed! Beck could have turned the car around or avoided the car!!! But he didn't!!! And now my daughter has to pay for it!!!"

"But it wasn't Beck's fault. The car randomly came onto our side of the road. He tried to avoid it. He tried to stop. But we were going too fast to just stop abruptly, and it was foggy that night, meaning that there could have been condensation on the road that could have been the reason that Beck lost control and we began to skid. It is the middle of October, after all." Tori pointed out, remaining calm so that she wouldn't say anything she regretted. She didn't know whether or not Jade got her injuring people trait from her father, as well.

"Yeah, plus, Beck did tell us to brace ourselves, and he shouted to Jade first." Cat added.

"Did I ask for your opinion??? Keep out of this!!!" Mr. West barked at the two girls. Hearing Cat go quiet behind her, Tori looked back at her friend, and saw Cat looking down at the plush in her arms, sniffling and her voice cracking as she softly said,

"Kay, kay." Tori began to really not like Mr. West. It was sort of an unspoken rule at Hollywood Arts that all the students and staff knew. Unless you wanted her friends to hunt you down, you should never, ever, under any circumstance, make Cat Valentine cry.

"Hey, go easy on Cat." Beck said, anger lining his voice. "She was only trying to help."

"You have no right to be talking to me about 'only trying to help', Mr. Oliver. You didn't do anything to help anyone involved in this accident!!"

"He did SO!!!" Tori found herself yelling at Mr. West, and then, given the icy stare that she received from him, she shut her mouth again.

"Fine, then." Mr. West turned back to Beck. "Tell me, Mr. Oliver. How did you contribute anything to save my daughter, or any other passengers in the car, from certain doom?"

"Right...uh..." Beck looked around at practically every which way but at Mr. West. Tori was confused as to why at first, Beck would definitely be the type to defend himself, especially if his and Jade's relationship could potentially be at risk. But then, Beck winced and put his hand to his head, and Tori understood. Beck had a concussion. Which also meant that he probably had amnesia. Granted, since his concussion was minor, he probably would recall his memories as he got better, but for now...Beck may not even remember the events of the car crash. That would explain why he didn't answer right away. He couldn't remember what he did when the crash happened. " be honest, I don't remember much of the crash."

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