Meet Maya and Friends

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After a tired day of organizing papers, answering some emails, and going to the boring boring meeting with Mr. Stark, I was completely drained. If I could, I'd totally be able to fall asleep on the couch in my office. I was considering if but then realized that wouldn't look good on me for my first day of working here.

It was about 2 o'clock, and I didn't have anything to do. When I walked into Mr. Stark's office, he simply shrugged and suggested that I go help Maya.

"Who?" I had said, and he looked at me as if I was supposed to know everyone's name in this building.

"The receptionist girl."

"Oh, her. Okay."

So I went to the elevators, shockingly without getting lost and made my way to the main floor where people walked to and from the building. I had to weave my way through the clusters of people.

I walked up to the desk where she greeted me with the same smile she did earlier, but I have a feeling the smile wasn't genuine.

"How may I help you today?"

"Oh, no! I'm the, uh, new intern here. We met this morning."

"I totally forgot, I'm sorry, I suck at remembering peoples faces, my bad. Did Mr. Stark require something?"

"Nothing, he just said I could help you down here since I had nothing else to do."

"Oh, nice! Here, grab a seat," she pulls over a stool from beneath the desk and beckons me over. I plop down on it, and I notice was Maya was doing before I had came. On her computer, she was playing Google Snake.

"That game? Seriously?"

"Don't judge, it's a fun game," she eyed me playfully before going back to her game.

"So do you need help with anything?" I asked while she was in the middle of her 15th level. And she shook her head. "Nah, not much. All I really do is help people find their way and other boring shit."

"Good thing I'm here then, I can finally relax." And we both laugh.


The next hour I learned a lot about her. Her name is Maya Green. She's 21 and she goes NYU. She's majoring in business administration/management and minoring in entrepreneurship. She has a boyfriend named Elijah. Her favorite color is light green (ironic, huh?). And she has a pet cat named Pickles.

And the more we talked, the more I noticed the little things about her. She had deep brown skin that contrasted beautifully with her emerald green dress. Her hair curled around her head like a halo, and when she smiled, her eyes squinted so tightly that it looked like her eyes were closed. I admit she was good-looking, but I only have eyes for one girl.

She also explained to me how she worked here four days a week, since she's still currently enrolled in school. So she has to manage this job plus her school work which, no doubt, must have a lot of homework.

Maya set down her bottle of coke she got from the vending machines and burped really loudly. It was good thing there were barley any people in the lobby. We started laughing so hard for literally no reason, it was pretty easy to assume we were drunk on coke. Sadly, they didn't have any blue coke so I had to deal with my normal colored coke. Vendors should really invest in blue coke. It'll boost the sales, trust me.

"Aghh, I gotta go to take a number 2. Do you think you can manage here for a little bit?" She asked.

I waved my hand at her giving a shooing gesture and I reminded her, "Yeah! Nobody will come in anyways considering nobody came in for the past hour and a half,"

But my luck seemed to run out.


It was a calm minute before four suspicious-looking people walked through the doors. Three men and one woman. One of the men had blonde hair, and a very nice jawline (and he was hot). Another had salt and pepper hair, similar to Paul's. The last man had short cut light brown hair and had a bow and arrow t-shirt on. Oh, hey, I'm guessing he likes the Green Arrow or something. Lastly, the woman, who with a straight-face looked like she'd kill anyone who looked at her. With her short, red hair and a bodysuit which accentuated her body, I'm sure that's a lot of people.

They walked up to me, and the woman started staring at me intensely. "Hi there, how can I help you?"

"Do you know where we can find Tony?"

"Tony Stark?"

"The one and only," Hot Blonde Guy mumbled.

"I'm pretty sure he's in another meeting right now," I said, wondering who these people were. "He wouldn't want people bothering him."

"Can you just tell us what floor he's on and give us a keycard? We promise we won't bother him or interrupt his meeting," Paul Clone guy asked. And I hesitated.

All of a sudden, I hear the  elevator door bing open, and to my fear, Mr. Stark came walking up to us. "Hey! What's taking you all so long?"

"Oh, great" I thought to myself.

"Well,  it wasn't our fault. This kid here wouldn't let us go up. And you haven't given us keycards yet." The redhead rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, we always gotta use guest ones," Green Arrow Fan said, "and the kid hasn't given them to us, yet."

"Oh, that's probably a fault on my end." He looked at me apologetically. "Sorry, kid, these are my friends, Steve, Clint, Bruce, and this lovely lady is here is Natasha."

I smiled awkwardly at them and I apologized, "Sorry 'bout that, it's my first day here and I didn't know who you were so I just got overprotective."

"It's all good, just a misunderstanding," they all nodded their heads as acceptance of my apology except of the scary redhead, Natasha, I believe her name was.

They waved me goodbye before walking away, I was still dying of embarrassment when I heard Green Arrow Fan mumble quite loudly to his friends, "How does this guy not know we're the Avengers? That's crazy, where has he been the past year?"

I swerve my head to them in shock.

And suddenly, Maya appears next to me after finishing her number 2. "Did I miss anything?" She asked, unaware of the events that had happened.

"I just the Avengers."


Hey guys! Just wanted to say hi. So hi. Hope you liked this chapter. I love all 61 viewers of you.

- Milky rose

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