A job?

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"A job?" I gaped, my eyes widening slightly. I had no job experience, whatsoever, and I'm 99.99% sure working at a summer camp that supposedly isn't supposed to exist doesn't count.

"A job," Annabeth repeated, her head bobbing up and down.

"Why a job? It's not like I have a good resume for people to hire me at. Unless killing the minotaur, Medusa, and like a gazillion other monsters, and saving New York is something I can write on my resume," The ends of my mouth tug downwards, and Annabeth simply punches me in the arm, (it wasn't light).

"There are plenty of reasons why having a job would be good for you. First off, it's a way to get money. Secondly, it makes you go out and actually do something besides staying home and watching television all day. I know you do that. You're mom tells me everything."

"Okay, well, for your information, I already have a good source of money."

Annabeth crosses her arms above her chest and smirks, "Oh, really. From who, your mom?"

"Yeah, my mom. And there is nothing wrong with watching television all day. I think as demigods, we deserve days where we can sit and do nothing all day without being bothered."

"Right, right," Annabeth rolls her eyes. "But seriously, Perce. It doesn't even have to be a job. It could be an internship for all I care. All I ask for is that you do something productive this summer."

I couldn't help but sigh dramatically. I didn't know how to reply. I mean, getting a job wasn't necessary. And I for sure didn't want one, but at the same time, Annabeth seemed worried about me, and I absolutely hate it when she gets worried because she starts to bug me every few minutes.

"I'll think about it."

Annabeth's stormy gray eyes lit up with wonder, and I couldn't help but smile at the sight. I might try looking for jobs later this afternoon. I won't promise to her that I'll actually apply to any, but I'll try to browse for some online.

I'm just curious to what jobs I might find.


That afternoon in my apartment, I opened my computer (Hephaestus kids made a prototype so that demigods can use technology without attracting monsters) and started looking through job-search websites. I kept scrolling and scrolling through dozens of websites and listings but I couldn't find a job that caught my eye; a job that was just meant for me. My eyes began to bore me and out of boredom, I applied to some small jobs like a waiter, bus boy, or some stuff I don't remember.

My eyes kept drifting to the clock on my nightstand. The second hand ticked by and it seemed like forever before another minute began. Annabeth said she would Iris Message me at 5 pm. And it's 3:56 right now. So I have plenty of time to keep looking for the job meant for me, right?


I've spent the past half hour looking at this computer screen and I was really, really tired. I wasn't patient enough for this. If it were up to me, I would've quit 20 minutes ago, but alas, I kept on looking.

After scrolling for a little while longer, I found an internship that seemed somewhat interesting. I let my cursor click on the information, and I began to read its job description. If this were in English, I would've had to spend a whole 10 minutes trying to read the description, but the Hephaestus kids managed to have the entire computer be in Ancient Greek.

I clicked through the information, and it seemed good enough. It was a paid internship which payed a hefty amount of money, and by hefty I mean very, very hefty.

The website I was currently on allowed the employers to post their jobs and have any people looking to apply for that job on a form. Once their form is submitted, a slot is filled on the website, and once all the slots are filled up, the job shuts down and the employer can begin looking through its applicants. The employer looks through all the forms and resumes and decided who that want to interview. Well, that's how I think it works. I'm not sure.

I began to fill out the application at record speed. After doing this similar application for the other jobs, I was easily able to fill it out. I had to lie about a few things (don't judge! I don't exactly have the best past). I had my cursor float over the submit button, and I pressed 'enter.'

I clicked back to the original website, and I noticed my name filled out the last available slot left for the application, and I grinned at myself.

As if Annabeth knew what I just did, she appeared to my right, a shimmery image of her appeared in mid-air. She seemed to be in the middle of packing a backpack in the Athena cabin. Some of her other siblings were in the background. A few I recognized waved to me in the background. "Hey, Percy! How's the whole job search coming along? Have you applied to any so far?"

"Yeah, some."

"Well, elaborate," she gives me a look before going back to her packing.

"Sorry, sorry," I chuckle. "I applied to some restaurants and diners n Greenwich village, Queens, and Brooklyn. I also think I applied to a department store."

"Aw, that's great! Seriously. I'm really glad you're doing this."

"Oh! And just before you called, I submitted an application for an internship at Stark Tower."


Hey, again! I know I posted this a few minutes after the first part. I'm just really excited.  I hope you enjoyed this one :)

Do you think I'm rushing the story too much? Or is it okay?


Milky Rose

Percy Jackson: The Intern at Stark TowerWhere stories live. Discover now