Finding Annabeth

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-Tony POV-

I should've been more aware of my surroundings. I should've noticed the second Annabeth and Percy fell behind. I should've offered to help carry Percy. It feels like everything was my fault, but I have a feeling every one else felt the same way. 

With the kid in my arms, I flew over to the tower and I landed on the balcony. As I walked inside, the first thing everyone noticed was a limp Percy in my arms. Bruce immediately got a stretcher and brought him into the medbay. We let him work on the boy while everyone else had questions.

"Where's Annabeth?" Steve asked as soon as Bruce left with Percy. 

I sit on the couch, resting my head in my hands. "Shit, it was my fault. She got shot, and I couldn't fly them both here. She insisted on staying behind."

"Don't you dare. Don't you dare blame yourself," Nat said. "It's not any of our fault. It's S.H.I.E.L.D.'s fault."

We all nodded our heads in agreement. 

We all knew Annabeth wasn't going to be held in the same place as Percy was. She'd be held in a more secure place that none of us know about. But we decided to check out the building anyways, to see if we could get any leads on where the girl could be.

The next day, we got armed to check the building.

Once we arrived, we snuck up on the rooftop and jumped down from above. But my theory was correct, the building was empty. Nat and Clint went to swarm the first 5 floors. Bruce went towards the next few floors in his human form. I had to do this floor and above. And Thor was gonna do a wrap around the building and nearby areas to see if he could find them.

When everyone left, I was left alone on the floor. "JARVIS, do a thermal heating scan on this floor."

"Yes, Sir," the AI replied.

I was having JARVIS check if there were any people on the floor using the scanner. It detected their body temperatures and told me if there were any people present and how many there were. Luckily, the entire floor was empty. 

I walked around the room I was in, looking at every computer and monitor. Besides from those devices and table and chairs, the room was dead empty. It was all cleaned out. I'm shocked at how quickly they evacuated the building. 

After about 10 minutes, I checked every room and checked every corner. I walked up to the floor, the room where Percy was being held. I walked around, looking for any clues when I spotted something. A navy blue cap. I bent down and picked it up, I wiped off the smallest amount of dust and saw the logo. The New York Yankees. I feel like I remembered where this came from. I just can't put my mind to it. It wasn't very big, a woman's size. Probably a teenager- and who would be the only teenage girl who entered the room? Annabeth.

This was Annabeth's hat. I recognized the hat in her back pocket when we first met back at the tower.

I held on to it, hoping to find some more things.

But sadly, as the minutes went on, I found nothing. Nada. No clues whatsoever indicating where they might be. I tried to rack my brain for any headquarters or secret places where Fury might've put her.

Fury couldn't have known that Annabeth was a demigod because I had JARVIS add extra security measures in case he tried to hack our cameras again. And it's not like she had any powers to display her demigod-ness. Kinda a waste, if you ask me.


I met everyone back on the roof. Nobody found anything, even Thor couldn't find anything. Except me.

I showed them the cap, and Thor immediately pointed out, "Oh! That is her hat."

"Yeah, I know, Sherlock. It was dropped right next to where Percy was being held," I said.

"We should just find one of those search dogs to sniff her scent," Clint said.

"I think it'd be helpful if we got one of those search and rescue dogs. The dog could sniff her hat and then lead us in the right direction. I've got a contact at the police department. I'm sure he'd let us borrow his dog for this."


In the next hour, We found Clint's friend and he let us use his dog, Blaze. Bruce held the hat in front of his nose, but all he did was whine and lay down. He tried again, but he whined louder. What's going on?

Clint looked over at her friend, Joe, but he had no idea what was going on either.
"I don't know what's wrong. Blaze never does this, he usually goes right away."

Another dead end.

"Sorry, that was a waste of time," Clint sulked. 

We walked back to the tower, but I suddenly just thought of why Blaze couldn't sniff her cap.
"Hey, what if the cap was magic?" I asked the group, suddenly having a theory. 

"What're you talking about?" Steve asked.

"Annabeth is a demigod, right? So it'd make sense if she had a magic hat. Maybe that's why Blaze couldn't sniff her out, because the magic inside the hat."

"But that wouldn't make sense, how could the hat be magic? It's just a hat... " Natasha said.

"No, but I assume that it'd only work for Annabeth," Bruce added, seeming to understand where I was going at. 

"Exactly! She never wore it either. Why carry a hat around if you're not going to wear it?"

"Because when she puts it on, something happens. . ." Clint added. 

"Wait, hey, remember when Annabeth was recalling her past with Percy, she mentioned how he got custody of some Greek dog thing?" 

We all looked at him weirdly. "Greek dogs? I don't think there are such thing as Greek dogs," Bruce started laughing.

"Well, you guys know what I mean!"

"A Hellhound," Thor said. "It's a Hellhound." 

"Okay, well how are we supposed to find this hellhound? She could be anywhere?" Steve asked.

After a moment, a voice interrupted our thinking. "Well, hello. Heard you were looking for a friend of mine," said a mysterious voice from the shadows. We all turned around and saw someone walk out of the dark.

"I'm Nico di Angelo, and from what I heard from your conversation, you need my friends dog."




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