The Ghost King and the Hellhound

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-Steve POV-

We were all startled at the new voice we heard. We turned around and all we saw was shadows, but a man walked out. Not even a man, a boy even. Just a teenager. Couldn't have been older than fifteen.

"I'm Nico di Angelo, and from what I heard from your conversation, you need my friends dog."

He had dark, unruly hair. His pale skin, white as bone. His blue veins were translucent under the strobe lights. An aviators jacket and skull ring were his only accessories. His eyes were dark, as if they been through everything we haven't. But they were familiar. They were familiar because I saw them in Percy's and Annabeth's eyes.

"You're a demigod," I stated incredulously.

"Right I am," he circled around us, looking at us from head to toe.

"How did you get in here? We have high-level security and my AI would've notified me of any unknown presence in the building," Tony said quickly, his mouth open agape.

"Shadow travel," he flatly stated as if we knew what he was talking about.

"Shadow what now?" Clint garbled.

Nico sighed, "Shadow travel. Where I travel through shadows. It's really straightforward."

"No, not really. . ." Clint mumbled under his breath.

"Okay, well. I suppose there's no point in secret's since Annabeth told you everything about us. I am a child of Hades."

All our jaws hung open. "You're one of the children of the Big Three," Nat whispered.

He nodded swiftly. Then he began to walk away. We all ran after him, and we noticed he was going straight for Percy's room. "Wait, hey! Don't bother him!" Bruce yelled while running quicker then the rest of us which surprised me.

"Ah, don't worry about! He knows me," Nico shrugged and waved a hand dismissively at us.

We all followed Nico into the room, and we saw Percy eyes glistening as Nico walked in.

"Oh, hey! You met my cousin, Nico. And did you find Annabeth?" He looked at us excitedly. I may have forgotten for a moment that they were cousins. Everything about demigods still confused me.

"They didn't find her," Nico said, frowning slightly.

Percy's smile vanished, and he shrunk into his little hole again. Nico muttered indistinctive to Percy, who nodded after a few moments. I can read his lips when he says thank you to his cousin, and we all walk out. We all sat in the lounge room, and Nico finally said something, "You need Mrs. O'Leary?"

"Yeah, you know her?" Nat asked.

"Mhm, sometimes when Percy here can't take care of her, I do."

"Okay, can you bring her here?"

"Well, I would. But she's a bit too big for this room. Outside would be preferable." He sat across from the rest of us, his hands clasped together, resting on his lap. He swept his head back a little, trying to get his shaggy dark hair away from his face.

"What do you mean, 'she's a bit too big for this room?'" Nat asked him suspiciously.

"Well, again, like I said, pretty straightforward. She's about twice the size of a tank."

Bigger than a tank? I mean, obviously, I've been at war before. I was World War II for goodness sake. I know how large a tank is. But twice the size of one? That's insane.

We all walked downstairs, Nico said that an alley would be best. He also said nobody would see the dog because of this thing called the mist which Annabeth explained to us earlier, saying how it was the barrier between us mortals and the Greek world.

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