Normal days...Sort of

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-Percy POV-

For the first time in forever, I slipped out of bed and my feet touched the stone-cold floor. I gave out a deep sigh. Bruce said I could leave the room today since my checkup went well. I walked out of the room and started wandering. I don't know where I was even going, but I was just walking. It soothed me in a sense.

After the endless hallways of twists and turns, I made it to the common room. I didn't see anyone there so I just walked to the kitchen to find something to eat. I looked through the cabinets, and I found a cabinet full of poptarts.

Mine, I thought to myself, internally cackling.

I grabbed the whole box of them and walked over to the couch. But I tripped over a bump in the rug, and I dropped the packaged poptarts onto the couch. I was about to grab them when I felt a presence next to me. Instinctively, I turned my head to the side to see Thor grinning at me. I frowned and darted to grab as many pop tart's as I could before Thor could, but before I could even get up, he snapped his fingers and all the pop tarts were gone. "Those were mine!" I yelled.

"Actually, they were my poptarts," he argued back in a louder shout.

"No, they weren't!" I argued back again like a 5 year old, even though I acted like one.

"Yes, they were!" He rumbled, almost shaking the whole room.





"WELL EXCUSE ME IF IM DYLEXIC," I blew a raspberry at him. And he blew one at me until his spit was all over me. We were arguing about that a bit too loudly because we didn't hear someone come in. "What're you guys talking about?" An oh-so familiar voice questioned.

I spun around and saw Annabeth with Tony. I literally pushed the God of Thunder away and ran up to her. We started hugging and it was the best feeling in the world to have my girl back.

She rested her head in my chest and I rested mine on her shoulder. We rocked back and forth while hugging, and I just didn't want to be the first to let go. I don't think I could be separated from her again.

Bruce came running in and made her go to the medbay for a quick checkup. I went in with her, because I wasn't ever letting go of her ever again.

When Bruce said she was all healthy except for the gunshots and a few scratches and bruises, the rest of the Avengers plus Nico came in.

"Thank you guys for saving her, I really do appreciate it," I said with my arm draped around Annabeth's shoulder. She leaned on me, I felt the small itch of her hair in face.

"It's really no problem, kid," Natasha said, smiling a little bit. I think that was the first time I ever saw her smile.

"Oh, and here's your hat, by the way," Steve handed Annabeth the cap who looked at it with a look in her eye that I couldn't quite pinpoint.

"Oh, thank you! I didn't even realize I lost it," her eyes going into a daze as she sat and looked at it.

"Is it magic?" Clint blurted out.

"Excuse me?" Annabeth looked up and gave a little laugh.

"Like, if you put it on, does something happen? Because we had that theory when we first found it," he explained quickly.

"See for yourself. . ." Annabeth gave a smirk and put her hat on.

Suddenly, she was invisible. Just gone.

Everyone started gasping and murmuring, when Annabeth appeared behind everyone.

"She's invisible!" Bruce sputtered out before running his hands through his hair.

"You can turn into a big green thing and you're surprised that she can turn invisible?" I laughed.

"The hat was a gift from my mother. It gifts me or anyone who wears it the power of invisibility."

"Wait, so does that mean I could wear it and become invisible?" Clint asked, a little too excited for his own good.

"I doubt it would work on a mortal, but you can try," Annabeth tosses the cap to Clint who quickly putted it on. To his disappointment, he didn't turn invisible.

"Sorry, guess it only works on demigods," Annabeth said after Clint hands her the hat back. She stuffs it in her back pocket as she always does.

"But, hey, I was just wondering, but what did they do to you in there?" I asked my girlfriend, resting a hand on her shoulder.


-Annabeth POV-

"Well, nothing exciting, anyways. Since they didn't know I was a demigod, they didn't do extreme things like what they did to Percy. So what happened was, once I woke up, I was in an interrogation room. Some people asked me a few questions like 'how do I know Percy?' Or 'do I have powers?' And other stuff. Then the eyepatch man came in," she was cut off by Percy who said, "Pirate Man."

"Yes, Pirate Man came in and started asking me a few questions, stupid things really. And then they knocked me out again, and I woke up in the warehouse, chained to the wall. Nothing happened after that, really. Then you all came and helped me out."

"I'm just glad they didn't hurt you," Percy said, looking me in the eye. I rested a hand on his check, and he rested his head on it. I just couldn't take my eyes off him.

"Well! I'd love to see the lovebirds canoodle some more, but I ought get going. My father gets mad when I don't finish my shitty work and leave unexpectedly," Nico said, sighing.

But all of a sudden, the ground shook and rumbled for a good 30 seconds. "Yeah, yeah! I'm coming, I'm coming. . ." he shouted in the air which caused the avengers to look bewildered. "Gods these days. So impatient." And without a goodbye, he walks into the shadows and leaves.

"Was that Ha-" Bruce began to ask

"Yep," Percy answered before he could say his name.

"Awesome," a smile grew on his face.


The next week, I felt good! I mean, besides the fact that I was shot at, I felt good. My arm was all better, courtesy of the ambrosia and nectar which Tony insisted on wanting to try but we slapped him and said, "Unless you wanna die, then don't eat." It was a fun time.

I was going back to Mount Olympus to work on remodeling. Sally insisted that I relax for a few more days, but she doesn't realize that working at Mt. Olympus was my form of relaxation, as taxing as it may be. Everything sort of felt like normal.








Percy Jackson: The Intern at Stark TowerWhere stories live. Discover now