White Room

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-Percy POV-

My eyes fluttered open, and the first thing I saw was white. Everything was just. . .white.  

Was I in Elysium? Oh gods, Annabeth is gonna kill me. 

As I begin to look around the room, I noticed the one-sided mirror and the security camera in the corner of the room. I'm beginning to think this wasn't Elysium. 

I begin to move my hands and legs, only to realize they were chained to the ceiling and floor. So I was dangling from the ceiling like dead meat, how nice. I struggled a bit, shaking around, trying to find a way to get loose, but of course, I was tied up. It's not that easy to escape from chains. After another moment or two of struggling, I stop after my head began to hurt. I normally didn't get intense headaches but the one I was currently having hurt. A lot.

I groaned in pain, trying to remember how I got here. My memory was kind of fuzzy. But I remember a few things like eating some pizza. And calling my mom. And then getting kidnapped.

I shook those thoughts away. Whatever, I'll just vapor travel. I closed my eyes and I put my thoughts to the spot I wanted to appear, and I didn't feel anything. I would usually feel a tingle in my body. Just like shadow-traveling. But when I peeked my eyes open,  I was still in the white room. Huh, weird. Maybe I'm still too weak after getting shot with whatever that guy stabbed in my leg. I tried to channel some water. There would have to be some water around here somewhere. But once again, nothing happened.

Shit. My powers don't work. Just great.

All of a sudden, I heard the door creak open and I turn my head to see who it was. I frowned when a tall, bald man who resembled a pirate walked towards me. 

Pirate Man started speaking, "Perseus Jackson? Am I right?"

"How do you know my name?"

"Let's just say I know more about you that you may think," he smirks at me before looking down at the iPad and back up at me. "You may be wondering why you're here."

"That's an understatement," I scoff, and Pirate Man just gives me a deadpanned stare. He sighs before tapping a few things on his iPad. He turns the iPad to me and that's when I see myself. Those were security footage tapes of me. I look up at him in fear. He gives me a wry smile before pressing 'unpause'.

The clip loads for a second before beginning to play. It shows me in the janitor's closet speaking to Annabeth through the Iris Message? Why are there security camera's in the janitor's closet?

The next clip shows me in the training room with Clint, defeating him in hand-to-hand combat effortlessly. 

The next clip is me summoning a stream of water before forming it into a ball. I watched as I tossed the water ball from hand to hand without it even touching my skin. I remember this day. It was when I was forced to man the receptionist desk when Maya and the other receptionist lady couldn't come in. I was bored out of my mind. 

The screen goes dark. And Pirate Man turns to me. "Would you care to explain this?" He asked.

I stared at him. I wasn't about to answer this guy's questions after he just kidnapped me. 

"I'm going to ask you again. Explain this," he said loudly. As if raising his voice would make me scared and give in to his wishes. 

I stayed silent. I knew I was making him furious.

He just sighed. "Fine, we'll do this the hard way." He turns to look at the one-sided mirror where I'm sure there were people there watching us and taking notes. He nods to whoever was behind the mirror before turning to me. "You're going to wish you cooperated."

He leaves the room. I yell out after him. "The least you could do was unchain my hands! It's beginning to hurt!" 

He doesn't reply. I sigh. It was worth a try. 

After what seems like forever, a man dressed in all black walks in. He was carrying a black pole. I chuckled at myself, what was he going to do? Poke me to death? 

He walks closer to me and turns on a switch on the black pole. One end of it begins to crackle. My smile disappears, and I begin to realize this wasn't all fun and games for me anymore. He jabs the taser in the torso, and a sharp pain courses through my entire body. That didn't hurt as much as- another sharp jab and pain runs through my chest and down my spine. I seize over, coughing. 

This continues on. I stopped keep track after the first dozen or so. The pain made my body numb. I tried so hard to stay awake, but everything was in pain. My body was failing me and before long, my eyes shut. 


I woke up in a new white room. There were no windows, no tables, no chairs. I groaned as the after effects of the electric shock was finally catching up to me. I have no idea how long it's been. I could've been unconscious for a day, or even a week. It's hard to keep track when your stuck in a room like this. I look down and realize I was levitating. My bare feet were mere inches off the floor. I look up at the ceiling and notice I was dangling like dead meat again. 

Pirate Man walks in, dragging a chair. 

"Finally ready to talk?" He sets the chair a meter away from me and sits down. 

I don't have any plans on talking any time soon. I can handle the pain. I've been through war for gods sake. 

"Listen, kid. We really didn't want to hurt you. But you pose as a threat not only to the Avengers, but to this city. And we can't risk that happening. You obviously have some so-called abilities. All we want to know is if you can be considered a friend or a foe. 

"You keep mentioning 'we' but all I'm seeing is you."

He sighs, "I'm part of an organization called S.H.I.E.L.D., we help find and contain threats, such as you."

"If I'm a threat, then you're Lady Gaga. All I wanted to do this summer was get a job in peace, not get kidnapped." 

"Then I guess I'm Lady Gaga. Honestly, kid, I've seen your records and they aren't that great. It's obvious you've been through some stuff, so just make it easier for the both of us and tell me who you truly are. 

"I guess you already know I can control water, but that's all I really got to say. I've just always had them," I said. I technically wasn't lying. But Pirate Man didn't think that was enough information. 

"I do hope you realize you'll be staying here until you give us what we want, correct?"

After a moment, I simply smile at him. He leaves me alone in the room. 


Ngl, I think this chapter sucked. I was either thinking of making Hydra take Percy or SHIELD. So I just chose SHIELD. I just hope I don't regret that decision. Heh

EDIT: i'm editing this chapter a year or so after I published it and im just realizing how horrible my writing is, omg. How did this even get 150k+ views with all this horrible grammar, my god. anyways, I realize that shield wouldn't torture someone like that but i didn't feel like veering off from the original plot line so this is what you're ending up with. 

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