Chapter Three

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Author's Note: Slow start. I forgot what this feels like. Well, I'm humbled again, I suppose. Thanks to those of you who have read and commented! <3 I promise, Loki will be in the story soon enough, but for now, enjoy all the Thor action! Read, comment and vote, my loves!



I dart up the stairs and run into my bedroom, closing the door in Thor's face, who has god-run up the stairs in pursuit of me.

"Dear Valkyrie..." he begins and I clap my hands over my ears. I know deep down I'm being childish, but I ignore that logical thought and press it away into a neat little corner reserved for being logical in times of distress. Only a little while ago my life was nauseatingly normal. Quite honestly, I may have preferred it that way.

"Thor, go..." I look up and the door is wide open and Thor is thundering toward me. I scream and he scoops me into his arm before setting himself down on the bed, holding me against his warm chest.

"You need comfort, young one. You may not desire it, but it is what your heart yearns for," he purrs. I beat a fist uselessly against his chest.

"Stop sounding so smart!" I groan, knowing he's right, and knowing he is crushing my ribcage.

He smiles and releases me before saying, "The question remains."

"You're offering me a choice?" I scoff. He nods slowly. I bite down hard on my lip...part of me is screaming yes, but the other, more reasonable part is telling me not to be an idiot. This should be...this IS insanity. My mother is Asgardian father is a blue Frost Giant in disguise. And Thor, the God of Thunder, and hero of comic books, story of my youth, is cradling me in his lap. It can only get better from here.

"I'm in," I agree finally, sitting up. "Despite my better judgement, I am all in, my friend."

Thor grins widely, blue eyes twinkling and he kisses my forehead, squeezing my shoulders between his giant hands.

"Excellent, we must depart."

"Now?" I gape and he nods, brows furrowing in confusion.

"We certainly cannot wait any longer," Thor states simply.

"Whoah, okay, well how long will I be gone? And I need to pack don't I?" I pull away and start racing around the room, trying to find my suitcase. Thor's booming laughter stops me in my tracks.

"My lady, do not fret. You need not pack now, your parents will bring whatever you require when they join us in a day's time," Thor puts a hand on my shoulder to calm me. And it...strangely calming, that is. It's hard to explain but something about Thor, even being the God of Thunder and shit, is very calm and kind. I look at him curiously and I smile understandingly.

"And how long...?"

Thor doesn't answer--instead he simply grabs me by the waist and throws me abruptly over his shoulder, knocking the wind out of me. "Thor!" I gasp. He stomps down the stairs and out the front door, my parents staring at us.

On the front lawn he puts me on my feet, but wraps his arm around my waist. He winks down at me and when I look up he is clutching a cumbersome looking hammer in his large hand.

"Mjolnir..." I gape and he dips his chin, nodding ever so slightly.

"Heimdall! Open the Bifrost!" He calls up to the clear blue sky. Out of nowhere a beam of swirling light shines down upon us and Thor flashes me a toothy smile. "Come!" He grips me tighter and I glance back over my shoulder at my parents before they disappear from sight and we are thrust into the sky. I let out a scream of terror and delight before burying my face in Thor's chest. When I open my eyes again, our feet have found solid ground and my heart is beating erratically, my head feeling like a useless pile of mush. I gape at the large dome we have found ourselves in. I turn around and an armor clad man, brandishing a golden sword, stares off into the distance.

"Heimdall! This is--"

"Lady Valkyrie. Yes, I am aware. I have been watching over you for some time, child. Your bravery is more than you know," he states matter of factly.

"Oh, uh, thanks?" I stare curiously as Thor attempts to pull me away and out of the giant golden dome...the Bifrost he called it. I can't...I don't even know where to look. We leave the Bifrost and when I turn and see what I presume to be Asgard, I feel overwhelmed. This can't be's not possible.

"I've completely lost it..." I mutter, clutching my head. I sway on my feet and I look down trying to steady me. Instead, at my feet is a glowing, pulsing bridge of rainbow colored light. I instantly draw the conclusion that this is the Rainbow Bridge I have heard of. So, is everything in the comic books accurate?

I fall to my knees, head pounding, mind racing. "My lady, are you quite alright?" Thor crouches down next to me, placing Mjolnir at my feet so that he can place a hand on my knee and on the small of my back. "I understand it has the potential to overwhelm."

"Yeah, that's an understatement," I breathe, squeezing my eyes shut. There's no place like home, there's no place like...

Suddenly, I am hoisted into the air again and Thor carries me down the Rainbow Bridge, heading towards the golden, shining palace built into the gilded mountainside before us.

"Soon you will adjust, my lady. The coming into your true Asgardian abilities will be a most drastic change," he says softly and I roll my head back so I can look at him, his blonde hair flowing back just slightly. His skin almost glows, his eyes sparkling. He looks...impossibly godly.

"Thor, I..."

"Son!" A booming voice calls from a distance and Thor picks up his pace, his lips parting into a smile that reveals his perfect white teeth.

"Father! I come bearing the Lady Valkyrie," he announces, swinging me to my feet and dropping into a slight bow. I look nervously at Thor, then to the gallant man with white hair, clad in golden armour, one eye covered with a golden eyepatch.

I drop to my knee like Thor and Thor whispers, "Odin Allfather, my father."

"Holy shit," I whisper back and Thor smiles even wider.

"You have quite the mouth on you. Perhaps best if we keep the cursing and religious defamation to a minimum before my father and mother," Thor advises and I nod graciously. I appreciate having Thor to help me. I can't imagine if I was on my own right now. Probably would have taken a tumble off of the bridge and that would have been that.

"Rise. And welcome, Valkyrie," Odin says and I get to my feet with a slight assistance from Thor. "Adjusting, I have observed. All will come with ease in time."

"Ah, yeah. Right, thank you, I suppose, for all of this," I smile, wringing my hands.

"Twas not my doing. You have my son to thank for your presence here," Odin sniffs, seemingly a bit indignant. I look at Thor but he is preoccupied with hugging his mother, a beautiful older woman. She and Odin appear to be the definition of the royal couple. Pish posh, Will and Kate.

"Welcome, child. I am Frigga," she smiles warmly at me. The glance that flits between her and Odin does not escape me, however.

I smile and curtsy slightly, "My lady."

"Come, friend," Thor throws an arm about my shoulders. I smile comfortably at his use of friend. I guess it did not take me long to win over Thor. Odin and Frigga may be another issue all together.

Recompense [Fólkvangr End, Book 1] [Loki Fanfiction]On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara