Chapter Twenty-Six

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Author's Note: Everytime I post a chapter I wonder why I haven't given them cooler names...but then I do nothing about it. So, that's a thing. Also, I'm almost out of high school now...forever! Yipee! But I'm crazy busy right now with senior stuff so apologies if my updating is a little erratic. I do have the next few chapters panned out, so I should be able to get them out without stressing. Okay, now onto the good stuff! Make sure to comment and let me know what's up! Also, 10 points to anyone who gets the joke at the very end.



“We’re going to Midgard? What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” I gasp as he pulls me closer to Heimdall. He produces some piece of paper and hands it off to Heimdall who shakes his head back and forth, blind eyes peering off into unseen worlds.

“I am afraid, my prince, that you cannot journey unto Midgard with the Bifrost,” Heimdall says.

Loki laughs, “I hardly see why not.”

“The Bifrost is weak, not fully repaired after its destruction. To attempt to use it would put every world at risk. It is unstable,” Heimdall says, remaining firm.

“Nonsense. Thor used the Bifrost to bring Valkyrie here!” Loki attempts to argue with him.

“And that was a mistake, my prince. A grave one, at that. It would take a large a potent amount of dark magic to transport you to Midgard now,” Heimdall says. Wrong thing to say to the man who possesses that exact thing.

“Please don’t, Loki,” I beg but he merely looks at me and smiles and I don’t recognize what I see. I see madness. He pulls me flush against his chest, gripping me tightly, fingers pressing painfully into my skin. He mutters something under his breath in a foreign tongue, his eyes narrowed and focused. His hands grow warm, his body radiating a faint light. I feel the warmth spread from his body into mine, a thrumming sound filling my ears. Suddenly, darkness engulfs us both and I feel nothing. Not Loki, not his warmth, no sound, no sight. Nothing.

And then just as suddenly, every sense comes rushing back at me. I feel ground beneath my feet for a mment before Loki crumples and pulls me down with him. I feel cool blades of grass prodding at my skin and I flip onto my back, blinking back the sun and taking in the clear blue sky.

Loki groans and I sit up, rolling my eyes. “Asshole.

He only groans in response again and I get to my feet, dusting my clothes off before turning to see him laying prone in the grass, his eyes half open. I crouch down, prodding him with my finger. I realize how pale he has grown since the Bifrost only moments ago. His eyes are dark and lifeless, his skin slick with a layer of sweat.

“Loki,” I whisper, bringing my hand up to feel his forehead. He is so cold he is literally burning up. I yank my hand back away with a hiss of pain and he tenses beneath me. Loki, please, be okay.

“Valkyrie?” He looks up at me in a daze. He struggles to sit up and I force him to lay back down. “Where are we?”

The thought hadn’t even occurred to me to figure out where we are, let along if we actually made it to Earth. I take a deep breath and hold onto his sleeve as I look around, clinging to him with a deep rooted fear that if I let go he’s going to leave me stranded here.

“Oh. Shit.”

“Where are we?”

“Central Park. You brought us to New York City, You know, that city you destroyed a year ago?”

“Damn,” Loki murmurs before slipping into unconsciousness.

Shit!” I try to jostle him awake but nothing is working.

Recompense [Fólkvangr End, Book 1] [Loki Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now