Chapter Forty-Nine

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Author's Note: Words cannot describe how truly sorry I am for this ridiculous delay in posting. I have been unexpectedly busy. I watched TV and sat down in my living room for the first time in a week two days ago. Friday night was the opening night of Guys and Dolls and this past week has been tech on top of rehearsals for a different show I'm in. I've been having 12+ hour days of rehearsals with the only break being driving from one to the other. On top of that I've been gearing up for my last few days before I move to college at the end of the month. I know, I know, excuses. I really am sorry. It's been killing me not to update, especially how I left the last chapter with such a cliffhanger. Plus, it definitely didn't help that this chapter was a bitch to write for so many reasons. I hated nearly every second of it and wanted to scrap 4,000+ words at one point and start fresh. So hopefully I don't disappoint after such a crazy wait. I promise to post the last chapter in a more timely fashion than this one. Though, I shouldn't make such promises. At least I'll say, I will do my best to update quickly! Five more shows of Guys and Dolls, tech week for All Shook Up and then two shows of that and then immediately going to Florida. Yeah. Shouldn't be a problem at all...

Now onto the chapter, and my dearest apologies again!! I think I owe you guys cookies or something.



"Shit. Fuck. Shitshitshit, god damn it! Fuck!"

Loki wheezes, "Calm down, Valkyrie."

"Calm down? Are you fucking insane?" He stares at me with some combination of disbelief and confusion. His blood oozes through his fingers and onto mine as I press against his abdomen again. "I'm sorry, I just...I'm sorry."

"Stop apologizing. You have not done this," Loki says quietly. He tries to get to his feet, despite my pleas for him to stay put. He needs proper medical attention and he needs to get off of this battle field. But still he persists in insisting he is fine. We hide ourselves carefully and then I look down to see the wound again. I pull his torn tunic aside and though he is covered in blood, he seems to be healing the wound himself.

After a while of silence between us, he speaks up, saying, "Valkyrie, you must stop Thor. Do not allow him to kill Algrim. While what he has done is wrong, I cannot bear to see him killed."

"Loki, I don't know about that...Algrim has done terrible things. Why bother forgiving him for all he's done?" I ask. Loki opens his mouth to answer but we get knocked over by Thor as he tackles Algrim to the ground. The two grapple with each other, rolling off of me. Loki mewls in pain and I help him to his feet before quickly abandoning him. I dart between the trees as I try and catch up with Thor and Algrim. Thor plummets from the sky, gripping Algrim tightly, before hurtling him into the dirt.

Thor bellows at Algrim as he lands on bended knee, "YOU BETRAYED US! You betrayed the people of Asgard! You are a traitor!"

"Thor..." I attempt as I step between them. Thor doesn't even seem to truly see me as he shoves me aside.

"And as such," Thor continues, towering over the bloodied Algrim laying in the dirt. His blackish-purple skin has grown pale and his dark eyes stare up at Thor, though they do not betray any fear. If anything, Algrim looks petulant. "As such, you will die a traitor's death."

Algrim's face shifts slightly, but he does not look any more afeard than before. He looks like I feel—I do not believe that Thor will truly kill Algrim, though he is blinded by his own rage. A traitor's death means he must wait. After the battle is over, they will have Algrim hanged, drawn and quartered. From what I understand, a brutal and archaic way of dealing with treachery.

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