Chapter Twenty-Three

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  • Dedicated to Everyone!

Author's Note: I'd just like to dedicate this to all of you because each and everyone of you are special and loved. Simple as that. Also, continuing with positive news, I've officially committed to college and will be attending NYU: Tisch for Performing Arts come Fall! Woo! Now, onto the things you merciless dogs actually care about! Also, the appearance of Var in the myths is slightly altered for my purposes and schemes in this chapter, just as a general note. Also, check out the song I included. It's scary accurate for this chapter. Now, Chapter Twenty-Three, without further ado...



My mid-life crisis may be starting a little young. Okay, this shouldn't be a crisis. It really shouldn't. But I should be in love with him. Fandral, I mean. Of course I mean Fandral. But then, I am attracted to Loki...which makes me genuinely concerned as to how I behaved while inebriated. And he won't talk about which certainly doesn't help my conscience. The question is, how did I not see it? I was so oblivious to my own attraction towards him. Then again, all the flirtations, the awkwardly intimate moments, holding his certain sounds like I had a goddamn crush on him. I've got a school girl crush on an intergalactic, mass murdering Norse god.

I wriggle my way out of Fandral's arms, trying to curl up and sleep away from him. I roll over again and then back once more at the prospect of facing Fandral as he sleeps. As much as I need the rest, I can't get comfortable. I readjust my towel and then resolve that may be the root of my uncomfortableness. I get up to get changed, desperate for a pair of sweatpants. I open my closet and root around for something non Asgardian. There is a knock at the door and I groan. I hurry to open it and there is Thor, with Loki standing back behind him.

"Oh...hey, guys," I force a smile and I see Loki observing my attire carefully. I give him a look and he smiles back at me. "What's up?"

"You are indecent, my lady. I shall return!" Thor says suddenly and he turns and disappears before I can put together a coherent sentence. I watch him go soundlessly, leaving Loki and I to stare at each other.


"How are you faring after our night of mischief?" He teases, easing the tension.

"Better...if dying a slow death is any better," I shrug and lean against the door frame. "Speaking of which, what the hell was that stuff?"

"Akvavit, technically," he responds, pursing his lips.

"Technically? Don't elaborate, because you know how sexy I find you vague generalities and half responses," I cross my arms over my chest and furrow my brow.

"The spirit of life, yes? It is a highly potent form unique to Asgard, rather remarkable. If Asgard does one thing right, it would have to be spirits," Loki nods appreciatively.

I frown deeper, "How come you didn't get shit-faced?"

Loki laughs, "I understand that figure of speech, unfortunately. However, let me remind you I have been drinking since I was a boy, and a few thousand years ago yet."

"You're so old..."

"Ah, but you keep me young," he winks. "Are you going to do something about donning actual garments or do you insist on nudity?"

"I'm surprised by your concern!"

"I am not concerned," he says quickly, flustered. "Nor am I complaining."

"Aha! There it is! The Loki we all know and love!"

"Are you quite done?" Loki sniffs. I smile and nod once. I gaze at him, finding a kind of comfort in the silence. The corner of his mouth threatens to blossom into a full-fledged smile.

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