Chapter Forty-Three

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Author's Note: I've literally lost this twice now. I have my computer right now. I'll abbreviate the note now that I am retyping it AGAIN. I've been insanely busy in the last few days, especially with Sunday being my birthday and having shows all weekend. I didn't even realize it's been a week since my last update! This chapter has been the death of me all day, so I hope you like it. I promise to be a better will try to be quicker, though I know the last few chapters are upon us soon. Thank you, as always, for your undying patience and devotion and I love you all! Make sure to comment and let me know what you think!



“Jesus fucking Christ!” I scream, rushing off of the bed. Loki groans, sliding off of the bed slowly, gathering his shirt and putting it back on. Thor pulls himself up onto all fours and I put my hand on his back, brushing away some of the rubble from the roof. Thor groans and then gets to his feet, tossing his head back, his long hair flinging debris towards Loki who scowls.

“Thor, are you okay?” I ask, still breathless.

He looks at me slowly, frowning, “I am fine. I am disappointed in both of you.”

I give him the most innocent look I can manage, “I can’t imagine why!”

Thor brushes past me and confronts Loki. I realize Loki is still clutching my ring in his hand and I bite down on my lip again, nervously chewing. “Brother, you deliberately disobeyed father again, knowing there could be consequences.”

“Yes, and were there any? Besides being fashionably late?” Loki smirks. Thor doesn’t respond to his sarcasm but instead turns to give me a disapproving glance.

“I thought you were supposed to be keeping him in line, Lady Val. You seem to simply go along with his whims,” Thor sighs and then he smiles tightly. “I know not what I am to do with the pair of you. Come. We must return to Asgard. The man of iron has agreed that my fellow Avengers will assist should the need arise. For now, we must prepare. Heimdall has sensed a dark force growing closer. We have a few days, at most.”

“Do you think perhaps there will be time for a wedding in those few days?” I ask quietly and Thor simply stares at me. His gaze passes from Loki, who is smiling at me, back to me again. Loki’s face fills with the brightest of smiles I have ever seen him wear.

Thor’s expression softens as he begins to take my meaning. “Have you…brother, did you?”

“Yes,” Loki says quietly. “I have asked her to marry me.”

Thor is silent again, clearly mulling the meaning over and suddenly he cracks a wide grin. He grabs me and pulls me tightly into a suffocating embrace, dropping me onto my feet only to pulls Loki in and hug him tightly as well. The two brothers embrace awkwardly, and one-sidedly, until I watch Loki squeeze his eyes shut and wrap his arms around Thor in return.

Aw!” I squeal, so perfectly happy to see the two brothers not entirely at odds for once. It melts my heart to see Loki finally returning his brother’s faithful love and it brings tears to my eyes.

“I did not foresee this union…though I should not condone it, I certainly do not condemn it,” Thor smiles wider than I thought possible for his face. I am pleased with his blessing though I have to admit, I probably wouldn’t have cared if he forbade it. I would marry Loki even if everyone in the Nine Realms forbade it. Where there’s a Loki, there’s a way.

Loki comes to me and takes me in his arms, kissing me lightly upon the lips which makes me redden a bit in the presence of Thor. Then he turns me around gently and brushes my hair aside so he can fasten the chain with the ring on it around my neck. The metal is cool when it first touches my skin and I shudder at the gentle caress of his fingers. I think I might actually be in heaven.

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